Charlie Sheen for President?

Charlie Sheen for President?

For the amusement of many and to the chagrin of a few, Charlie Sheen for President? Of what?

Charlie Sheen says he's winning. He took his show on the road and TMC estimates his sold out show could make him a cool 7 mill a month. If that's not enough Public Policy Polling matched up Charlie Sheen and President Obama, and Charlie Sheen and Sarah Palin. Among Democrats, if the choice is between the big grizzly mama, also known as failin Palin, and Good ole Charlie, Charlie wins 44-24. If it's Charlie vs the Pres, among Republicans, Charlie wins again. 37-28. Among independent, Charlie would send Sarah back to Alaska by, 41-36. But Charlie has high unfavorables, 67 % to only 10% favorable.; So what does this all mean? That Democrats and Independents don't like Sarah, and Republicans aren't fond of Obama. But in a straight on race against Charlie, Palin and Obama win. Palin beats him 49-29 overall, and Obama trouces him 57-24.

But so what? Charlie isn't no pol. Not at least as of now. Anyway, the poll got the wags wagging their tongues about the far out possibility that Charlie might run for pres. Well, the Donald thinks he's pres material, why not Charlie?