Discovery Cancels Ghoulish Autopsy Show

Discovery Cancels Ghoulish Autopsy Show

The head line: "Discovery cancels Michael Jackson autopsy TV show."

Good. One for a little decency and respect for a family's memory of a love one.

Reuters reports -- "The Discovery television network on Friday said it canceled plans to air a reenactment of the autopsy on Michael Jackson's body, citing an upcoming court hearing and concern by the late pop star's estate. The show, Michael Jackson's Autopsy: What Really Killed Michael Jackson, had been set to air in several countries of western Europe and in the United Kingdom on January 13. The Discovery's show, which was not scheduled to air in the United States, was an unofficial, fictional account of what the autopsy must have been like and its results. "

Unofficial? Fiction? Yeah?

Well, this time the ghouls didn't win. If the Discovery Channels wants to make a few more dollars off of the legacy of Michael Jackson, they can do a special on his music, or a special that celebrates his life.