No Parole for John Lennon's Killer

No Parole for John Lennon's Killer

John Lennon's killer was again denied parole in New York, yesterday, Tuesday, he has served nearly 30 years for assassinating John Lennon, the ex-Beatle, outside John Lennon's New York City apartment building in December of 1980. See the video.

John Lennon is an international pop music icon. He was assassinated, because, during his life, he was an international pop music icon. His death wasn't a crime of passion, wasn't the result of some accident in the heat of the moment, didn't happened because of some other criminal act, wasn't done for money, for political or for religious reasons, or even for random reckless amusement, was done deliberately, because he was John Lennon.

A completely innocent man is deliberately gunned down and his murderer expects parole? An icon of a generation is cut down and his killer expects to be let out of jail?

John Lennon belongs to history, that means he belongs to all of us, of his generation, to ever grant parole to his assassin would be an outrage against us all.