A tribute to Bea.

From April 28th until May 3rd The Hallmark Channel will be host to the "best of Dorothy Zbornak" Golden Girls tribute. The episodes shown have all been hand-picked by network executives in an attempt to appease grief stricken fans of the late actress. You can catch these special episodes between 7-9PM (check your local listings for any changes). In addition to these special episodes there will be a Golden Girls marathon on May 4th from from 6 am to 3 am the following day. A Memorial Day (May 25) Marathon that was previously announced will conclude the tribute.

I am one of the many fans of this classic show and this classic actress. Although she is probably best known for her role as Dorothy Zbornak on the hit sitcom "The Golden Girls" she has held a variety of roles in theater, television, and film. Bea has won many awards for her roles and was a staunch animal rights activist. She will be missed.

Biggest Self Congratulatory Jerk-Off Session in the History of Pop Culture

con⋅de⋅scen⋅sion: voluntary assumption of equality with a person regarded as inferior (thank you dictionary.com, I'll take it).

Wow. I mean, I loved Susan Boyle's performance too. The woman is talented. A lot of people are. I am hard pressed however to find a more obvious example of cloying people trying their very hardest to contrive a situation in which they build an image of themselves as being judgemental only to consume said image in order to lavish another image of kindness upon themselves. The shallow and judgemental simply appropriate ideas of fairness and kindess in their own favor here. Sheep! Cheap! Callous!

Webmasters, Love the Digg Bar?

So a while ago digg started framing all outlinks. As a website owner this is undesirable because they are, in a sense, tempting my users away from my site and back to digg.

I've seen many different ways of defeating this, but I think this is the smallest. And, on most browsers, doesn't cause a reload.

<script type="text/javascript">if (document.location != top.location) top.location=document.location </script>

It's fast and easy. Your users won't thank you because they wont even notice.


Is it Just Me or is the Easter Bunny Kinda Creepy?

The Easter Bunny, a remnant of the pagan celebration of fertility and the goddess Ishtar, is as iconic to Resurrection Sunday as Santa Claus is to Christmas.  But does it have to be so damn scary?  Check out how a cute and cuddly critter like the bunny can be turned into a sinister character in the hands of questionable adults.  Disturbed much?

