November 2009

#FamousHoodquotes vs. #Whiteyquotations

Tonight's trending topics on Twitter were making no sense to me. So I decided to click on #hoodquotes and see what all the fuss was about. Twitter is SO AWESOME! Tonight hundreds of people were tweeting their favorite "hood quotes". I decided that I wanted to do a comparison between "hood quotes" and what I like to call Whitey Quotations. Here is one I really like:

KandaceJewel RT @buggsyb #famoushoodquotes can I AX you a question??? Ugh I hate that!!!!!<-- lmao i know right! i be like "nah, dont kill me pls!" less than a minute ago from web

the equivalent Whitey Quotation:

"No question is so difficult to answer as that which the answer is obvious."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish writer.
Why I chose these quotes:
Firstly, the hoodquote was a little too obvious to even be a hood quote. How cliche. Secondly, asking someone if you can ask them a question is pretty ridiculous. Just ask George Bernard Shaw. It's a little hard to answer a question when the answer is obvious. I'd much rather just slap you up the head.

Faces of Meth Updated to Include Agassi


Tonight Andre Agassi is going to stun the world. He is going to sit down with Katie Couric, and announce to the us all that he was a METH user back in 1997. It's a big surprise that Agassi is all of the sudden coming clean about his addictions. Could this be an excuse as to why his tennis playing has continuously sucked through the years? All this time we thought he was just overly concerned about his hair loss... but really, he was snorting and/or smoking/shooting a drug whose ingredients could possibly include: drain cleaner, chloroform, acetone, ether, anhydrous ammonia... the list of common household cleaners goes on and on.