February 2010

10 Things to Do with a Vampire Dildo

Yes, it’s true; of all of the horrible products inspired by the Twilight cult—among the Edward-and-Jacob hoodies, buttons, Barbie dolls, jewelry, board games, t-shirts and god knows what else—they have now come out with an Edward-inspired dildo.

Just what every girl needs: a sparkly penis. “The Vamp” is forty bucks and maintains its temperature; users are advised to “toss it in the fridge for an authentic experience.” (The product reviews on the page are very amusing to read, I must admit.)

I wonder if Meyers ever anticipated this happening. Given the author’s insistence on maintaining virginity prior to marriage (at least when vampires who bruise you and break your bed during sex are concerned), I’d expect she’d support the products. Go Team Edward Erection!

The Foul Mouthed C-Word Pub

Please note that I am not reviewing this Pub, have never been to this Pub, and cannot vouch for the proprietor of the Pub, the ale sold in the Pub, or the general atmosphere. I cannot vouch for the veracity of the Pub either or if it even exists.

I can, however, tell you with all of my heart, that the name of this Pub will either shock and delight you or totally disgust you, depending on whether you are a member of the UK or the commonwealth or if you are American.


Last night, I watched the Grammys and while I was a little disappointed that Kanye West did not go Rogue- it was a pretty amazing event. For more of my personal reflections on the night, check out this link, for what it's worth, which may not be much. As far as I'm concerned,  Beyonce’s awards and Pink’s performance were the highlights of the evening, which Yahoo somehow missed entirely last night.

After checking a link on YAHOO’s page with ten minutes left in the show (west coast time), I read an article about how Lady Gaga which was pretty much the star of the show. Hello, Yahoo? Is anyone home? I thought the primary advantage of the net was that we could be pretty much current with what is happening, but it looks like Yahoo never got that particular memo.