What Did Heather Locklear Hit with her Beemer?

The headline in People Magazine scared me: Heather Locklear was involved in a hit and run. Images ran through my head of a plastered Heather repeatedly running over either a hapless senior citizen or a young child caught in her path in a fit of anger. Although there was technically a hit and run, the headline was a bit of a scam.

She didn’t hit anyone. Heather Locklear, who has had a long and semi-prosperous acting career  due to her hotness factor more than her acting ability, was busted for hitting a stop sign. Say what?

I’m not disappointed by any means that no one was injured or hurt by the now-reckless star, but let’s be realistic- should People magazine really have used that headline? Is hitting a stop sign really a hit and run? Seriously, who is the victim in this situation? Is the stop sign going to take Heather to court? I obviously wasn’t the only one fooled by this headline as it was the number 5 story on People magazine.

I have yet to see pictures of the “crime scene” so there’s always the possibility that the stop sign is more injured than the article claims or that the damage is worse than I could  imagine. I do understand that the city government will probably need to replace the stop sign and it could cause accidents in the long run, but hitting a stop sign and driving away is not quite along the same lines as a regular hit and run where an actual person is the victim.

For those thirsty for more details, Heather Locklear was driving a 2005 BMW at the time of the accident, which was traced by to her by the most excellent sleuths in the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department. Kudos to the officers for their diligence in this matter and jeers to People Magazine who got me all excited for a train wreck story and left me wanting more.

And, as far as Ms. Locklear is concerned, I hope that this little “incident” teaches you that you are not above the law despite your celebrity, your blonde locks, and the fact you still have the body of a 16-year-old despite the fact that you have to be pushing 50. The American public needs some celebrity blood now and again to keep us amused in these trying times.

The Polanski dance

The dance called the Polanski continues, as the slippery film genius Mr. Roman Polanski dances, tries to avoid justice --or is it punishment that he is trying to elude? It's been thirty three years. The child whom he had sex with is a fully grown middle age adult, and she says: Let bygones be bygones. Authorities in California are saying no  -- that it isn't her call to make. The law is to protect children from predators, famous ones too, so California won't do the Polanski dance, and give a self-confessed child sexual abuser a pass. Oh, wait, a second, the certifiable film genius, Mr. Polanski, didn't plea to child sex abuse, but to carnal knowledge with a minor. Ah, but that is the Polanski dance. Any sex with a minor is child rape, since the child can not legally give her consent -- that is the rule.

Yesterday, the California Court of Appeals refused to do the Polanski dance. Mr. Polanski wants the legal proceedings against him ended, the Court summarily denied what he wants.

Ben Roethlisberger Gets Spanked

Today, the NFL brought the hammer down on the head of  Ben Roethlisberger -- suspended  for six games  without pay-- "for violating the league's personal-conduct policy," and ordered him to undergo a "comprehensive behavioral evaluation by medical professionals."  A least he doesn't have to see a quack! Of course, if he is a good boy, the suspension could be reduced to four games! A savings in lots of dough. But seeing the "medical professional" is what the NFL is looking for to determine good behavior. The NFL wants to see a 'behavioral evaluation," report, until then Ben Roethlisberger will not be allowed to attend any Steelers offseason activity.

We're trying to affect behavior here," said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who has a reputation for disciplining players who run afoul of league policies. "We're trying to make people understand their responsibility, live up to that standard, avoid making mistakes and use good judgment.We're trying to have early intervention so that we can avoid people having criminal activity, deal with the issues and try to get them straightened out so they can lead productive lives. And if they can be great NFL players, terrific.

I can see the flag waving and the cub scouts on the march.

What does Steelers Ben Roethlisberger suspension mean? Well, Vegas has lowered the odds that the Steelers will win the' Super Bowl? He's not the golden boy in Pittsburgh. ESPN is out with the rumor that the team is shopping him around. talking to clubs with high picks in the upcoming draft. The six game suspension could cost him $2.8 million in salary! That a big hit. And endorsement money might be tight or nonexistence for a while. A wild night on the town was very expensive.

Larry King's Wife Gets Busy with Their Son's Little League Coach

Celebrity marriages are one thing that I will never understand.

Larry King is possibly calling it quits with wife number 4,957,999. OK, in reality the CNN Talk Show host has not actually been married that many times, but it seems like it. Eight marriages should be more than enough for one man, but not for that talk show host. Now, in what has to the be ultimate humiliation for Larry King, his wife Shawn Southwick has admitted to an affair with their son’s little league baseball coach.

WTF? Having an affair with your tennis pro is one thing, but having an affair with a little league coach puts Shawn Southwick in another league entirely.

An interview with Hector Penate, who is the fortunate the baseball coach, will air tomorrow on Entertainment Tonight. Although I am not usually a fan of either little league baseball, Larry King or Entertainment Tonight, I may just have to tune in to see exactly how Hector got a home run with Larry King’s wife. Granted, Larry King is much, much older than his hot wife, and is probably not nearly as good looking as the little league coach, but how did the coach get the chance to be alone with the wife without Larry King or their son present? Did she make an appointment to speak to the coach privately about her son’s performance as a first-baseman for the team?

I guess we’ll have to wait and see to find out.

As for the divorce, the couple filed for divorce after arguing publicly in a restaurant, but are maybe trying to work it out according to Larry King’s attorney.

 Classy, Larry. Really, classy- arguing in a restaurant. That’s almost as bad as having your car beaten with golf clubs. Of course, how classy can a man really be who is allegedly having an affair with his wife’s sister?

Ouch. That has to hurt Shawn Southwick’s vanity if nothing else.

The strangest thing to me about the whole situation is the fact that Larry King and Shawn Southwick don’t have a pre-nuptual agreement. How can someone who has been married eight times and reportedly earns over 14 million dollars a year be so stupid as to marry a woman who is significantly hotter than he is without the protections afforded by a pre-nuptual agreement?

What on earth was Larry King thinking? As a rule of thumb, if you are rich and have been married more than two times, sign a pre-nup before you get married to number three.

Medvedev wants Obama to text?

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the current system of communication between the Russian and the US president is too slow, that a lot of time passes between transmission and the translations of messages. He suggested that he and President Obama get iPhones so that the two leaders will have a real-time connection that could possibly ease and speed up the communication between the Russian and the US leaders. The leaders could talk and text each other. Well, President Medvedev's suggestion may give a boost to the iPhone, which is doing well and maybe doesn't need a boost. And it might give ideas to TV and movie screenwriters who can always use ideas.

Now coming soon to the movies and on the small screen, in the latest, smartest, thriller, action movie, or screwball, political comedy, the US and the Russian Presidents getting a bad case of Twitter finger, from texting each other all day, through crisis after crisis, and exchanging tips, on fishing, and on how to please ones wife.  Right? And future Presidents will be measured by the strength of the finger?  Important questions that candidates for the office of the American president will have to answer will include: How fast are you on Twitter? How do you measure up against the Russians?  

Well, right?

Something Rotten Again At Toyota

What is this with Toyota? Is that company really General Tojo's revenge? Toyota had/has been selling dangerous vehicles and has been caught hiding information about how unsafe some of their vehicles are. Now that Consumer Reports has issued their report on Toyota's Lexus GX460, stating the SUV, was unsafe to drive, that it carried an unusually high risk of a rollover accident during certain types of turns, and urged its readers not to buy the vehicle. Toyota had no choice than to stop selling Lexus, for now.

Toyota would be just one big funny joke -- could say that it has become Bin Laden's favorite car company, because it has killed so many Americans -- if so many people hadn't been killed and injured in its faulty vehicles. Could say that  Toyota should change its name to the Kamikaze  -- if a drive in too many Toyota weren't a death drive for too many.

The tattoo lady apologized

Michelle "Bombshell" McGee apologized to Sandra Bullock. Now that is a big fat juicy laugh. Those wags on the net calling her Michelle "Boobie" McGee, should reconsider. I know, most look at the size of her chest and figured  the label fits.  Well maybe, but that lady sure ain't no "booby" brain. Her head is busy,  figuring out ways to keep the public's interest in her alive, so that she can continue to make money off of that chump, Jesse James, and off that lady, who has reduced herself to a cartoon, Sandra Bullock. Sure, Sandra Bullock's in pain. Sure, she probably feels used. But instead of saying to / rather leaking to the public -- case closed, turn that page and move on -- she's talking about using base ball bats on wandering men, about how Tiger Wood's wife didn't go far enough with the golf club. The lady is a star. She's becoming a bitter, prematurely old, and an immature bag. She should writer-up with a few script writers,  and get a performance together -- yes, act her away out of this. She is a star. She's going to have people laughing at and pitting her.

As for Michelle McGee  -- that lady  really knows what the world of  show biz it is all about. And she is putting on a show. Maybe a  remorseful  looking -- well, said she was remorseful over what she did to Sandra Bullock. She said she was “duped” by Jesse James. Maybe she was. She wasn't his only other woman, just the first one in this scandal.

As for the apology to Sandra Bullock, thus spoke the Tattoo lady -- “I know what she’s going through,” McGee told the camera  “She must be hurt, devastated, upset, embarrassed. I want to give her a heartfelt apology. I’m sorry for her embarrassment and her pain—I do feel really bad about it."

This statement has gone around the world. Is being talked about, written about, discussed, and Ms McGee is happily out there, selling, what ever she's selling, for another day. Like I said,  the lady is no boob. Don't you think so?

Gossip Source: E-Online

The National Enquirer, not on the list

This afternoon, Columbia University announced the winners of the 94th annual Pulitzer Prizes, awarded on the recommendation of the Pulitzer Prize Board. The winners of  the 2010 Pulitzer Prizes for Journalism were the usual crowd.:The Washington Post, the New York Times, The Dallas Morning News ... The only reason why any of this is worth a mention, is because the National Enquirer has been lobbying  high and low for a Pulitzer, based on the tabloid stories it ran on the very foolish Mr. John Edwards.  The only  conduct foolisher  than that which Mr. Edwards engaged in would have been for the trustees of Columbia University to award  the Enquirer a  Pulitzer.. The Enquirer didn't win, didn't place, didn't show. If it had that would have been  an embarrassment to journalism, and another sign that the end times are near. If not proof that we are in the end time and just don't know it.

Source: A list of the winners.

Texas Stadium Go Crumbling Down

According to press reports over 20,000 people showed up yesterday, Saturday, April 10th, to watch Texas Stadium fall down.Most of these folks were probably Texans with fond memories of the place, where among other things The Dallas Cowboys played for thirty eight seasons, where they won many championship games and went on to win five Super Bowls. More important to the men of America, Texas Stadium was the home of the world famous Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

Pam Seal a Dallas cheerleader in 1975,  who watched the stadium's implosion on site, told the Associated Press, "It was much more emotional than I expected. I'm so glad that I had my family out there to hold my hand through it. I didn't think I would be that much of a basket case about it. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend."

As a Washington Redskin fan from the glory days, hearing about and then watching a video of  the implosion of Texas Stadium by 1 plus ton of dynamite -- frankly neither of those moments was a sad moment. More than a few sad moments for Redskin fans happened at that stadium. The implosion of Texas Stadium wasn't a start-uncorking-the-wine-bottle moment. Watching the video of the implosion was interesting, more than interesting -- a whole lot of  ghosts were expelled into the ether -- a fond good bye to those ghosts.

