The lady doesn't work cheap

Sarah Taking Them For All She Can Get

Remember earlier this year, when college students found in the trash part of Sarah Palin's contract to speak at their university? And the secret contract showed Ms Palin demanding big bucks to speak and rock star treatment? Remember that Ms Palin mocked the disclosure, saying those demands weren't true? Well, it looks like Ms. Palin wasn't telling the truth. Because, finally, after a court order, America got to see how expensive it was for a public institution to invited Ms, Sarah Palin to deliver one of her Palin whines.

CNN reports --

So just what does it take to get Sarah Palin to speak at your fundraising gala?

A "deluxe" hotel suite, a first class ticket or a private jet ("Lear 60 or larger"), pre-selected audience questions, and "bendable" straws – not to mention the $75,000 in cash.

That's according to Palin's speaking contract with Cal State Stanislaus – ordered to be released by a California judge this week after the state school refused to make the document public last June.

Well, the lady doesn't come cheap. Her political performance is cheap. Her ideas aren't worth two cents, but the lady demands the best, and big dollars too.

Dexter Serial Killer Dolls on Toys-R-Us Shelves Infuriate Man and Scare Barbie Dolls

Any Barbies hanging out in the previously-safe aisles of Toys-R-US may want to start taking some self-defense classes now that "Dexter"- a famed serial killer with his own TV show- now has his own line of dolls being sold in Toys-R-Us.

Jim Schultz of Ohio was one of the first (if not the first) to spot and complain about the inappropriateness of Dexter the Serial Killer lying in wait for Barbie on the same shelves.

"I've seen the Toys R Us commercials, I didn't see a 30-something-year-old guy dancing around with the kids and the giraffe," Schultz said. "There isn't a serial killer Ken.  He doesn't come with a hack saw and a trash bag to put Barbie's head in."

Dexter's action figure comes with bloody gloves and a hack saw, which may be disturbing for young children and probably even some adults for that matter.

The store in question responded that none of the eight Dexter dolls that were originally stocked on the shelves are left and that the store will not be re-stocking the shelves with the serial killer's likeness, which should come as a relief to Barbie and any other unsuspecting young dolls or action figures on shelves nearby. The Toys-R-Us store in question also claims that the dolls were marked as, "Not intended for children." The store has not said exactly who the serial killer dolls were intended for, as adults seeking action figures as collector's and novelty items do not usually shop in Toys-R-Us stores due to the sheer volume of over-enthusiastic children in the stores.

The blogosphere isn't exactly humming with the news about the serial killer's infiltration onto the Toys-R-Us shelves. One blogger writes that Barbie is equally as criminal because of the sheer number of eating disorders that she spawns in young girls and the arch-nemesis' of Batman and other Superheroes are just as bad as the serial killer Dexter.

Personally, I just fear for the safety of Barbie against Dexter; she is not exactly known for her intelligence and he is a serial killer remniscent of Ted Bundy.

Your Own Pee-Wee's Playhouse

Today is the birthday of actor/comedian/scapegoat Paul Reuben, better known as Pee-wee Herman. Pee-wee was one of my all-time favorite celebrities growing up, and I didn’t understand it when his show no longer aired. When I found out that he was canned due to public indecency, I thought it was one of the stupidest crimes I’d ever heard of. If people are going to police adult movie theaters, are they going to arrest the annoying couples who make out and grope one another to the point of procreation while I’m trying to watch Inception, too? Seriously, poor Pee-wee—I mean Paul—got totally blown out of proportion, just like I always thought George Michael did, and our culture suffered from a lack of his general silliness.

To celebrate Mr. Reuben and his general awesomeness, we can make our own Pee-wee’s Playhouses today at home by…

Having a word of the day. Remember the whispered word of the day on Pee-wee’s Playhouse? It was my favorite part of the show. Pick a word and then every time someone says it, scream as loud as you can. (Make it an easy word like “I” for a really strong effect.)

Dressing up as Cowboy Curtis (can you believe that was Lawrence Fishburne?), Pee-wee himself, Miss Yvonne, or any of your favorite characters.

Saying, “I know you are but what am I!” every time someone says something—even if it’s not relevant. Example: “This soup is hot.” “I know you are but what am I!”

Pretending your furniture talks to you. Address your chair as “Chairy” for the day.

Playing with puppets. Pee-wee always had puppets!

Doing your own claymation movie. Did you know that the creators of Wallace & Gromit actually did work on Pee-wee’s Playhouse?

Singing some Cyndi Lauper. Yes, she did do the show’s theme song! She was also featured singing on The Goonies, if I recall correctly. Good times.

Playing, “Connect the dots—la, la, la, la!” Doesn’t that just get stuck in your head? Swap piece of paper with friends and create dot pictures to do together. Make them as funny, disgusting, difficult, or obscure as you like. Or, simply do an online version.

Asking people, “Then why don’t you marry it?” every time they say they love something. Example: “I love Sudoku puzzles.” “Then why don’t you marry them?”

Having an animated snack time. Pretend your crackers, vegetables, and milk carton have all come to life while you make an easy snack.

Trapped Chilean Miners

I just watched the video of the thirty three Chilean miners, who are trapped half a mile underground, and who are keeping up their spirits by singing their national anthem. I am expressed by their positive attitude.

The men were discovered alive this Sunday, after being trapped for more than two weeks. Food, water and supplies are lowered to them through a tube. "Protecting " the men's "mental and physical health ... has become a major preoccupation of Chilean authorities, especially now that it's clear they could remain in their dark, hot, humid quarters for up to four months or more."

It will take four months for rescuers to cut through the 700 meters of rock to get to the men.

A single moment captured on a video can't show everything, and does often show little much of anything, about what's going on in people's heads. The men survived two weeks without any outside contact. My hunch is that they will be okay.

Netflix streaming for iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch - Free.

The day has finally arrived. You can now stream Netflix movies right on your iPhone  - this is a pretty big deal because the last time I checked you could only change your queue using a third party app. All you need is your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch and an active Netflix account. No longer will you need to be away from the movies and shows you love - even for a minute!

This is the bomb dot com if you ask me and there are so many occasions when this will come in handy like: your commute to work (hopefully your not behind the wheel), blind dates, funerals, and while your at church. I just wished they offered more stuff to stream - like maybe Zoobilee Zoo, or Sharon Lois & Bram's Elephant Show. While I am thinking about it - and watching the YouTube video - how queeny gay is Bram? I thought as a child that he was a total pimp - knee deep in bitches - even the elephant loved him, but seeing this all now I have come to realize he is a total weiner warmer. I bet he picked up the 4 guys that are singing in the first 20 seconds of the video at a leather bar, or a bath house, shortly before taping. He is even creepily stalking them! Look!  "Skinnamarink a dink a dink  skinnamarink a do I Love You" must have been code for something - like Bram's Red Hanky - though I am not sure what it means when you wear it on your head. Those were different times - with different rules - the gays and other gays dressed up as elephants ruled the airwaves. I suppose not everything changes.

Anyway, regarding Netflix, this is great stuff - and will certainly provide hours of entertainment where you would otherwise have to communicate with the real world - and who wants to do that? You can now do everything with this app that you can do with other Netflix streaming devices - stream, manage your queue, and rate movies and television shows. You also get an added bonus of being able to search directly with the app for other fun stuff to watch - so you will not longer need to go from computer to device to enjoy some quality entertainment. This makes me want to dance!

So if you get a chance, check out and download the app - you will be glad you did!



Manny Howard, "My Empire of Dirt"

I stopped reading after he bludgeoned the songbird to death.

But let me back up.  

I first heard about Manny Howard when he was a guest on The Colbert Report.  Howard turned his Brooklyn home and yard into a farm, with the challenge to live off it for a month.  

During the interview, Colbert nudged Howard into telling the story of the time he bludgeoned a rabbit to death when it bit him.  The punchline?  The rabbit was pregnant and protecting her babies.  (Or had she just given birth?  I was too horrified to remember specific details.)

Howard came off as a recalcitrant man with a twinkle in his eye.  The sort of guy who has few words, but a lot of great stories to tell.  I made a mental note to give the man a second chance, and pick up his book.  

I was so very wrong.  On so many counts.

Manny Howard is a former editor of Gourmet magazine and a professional freelance writer.  And yet his sentences are all but impossible to follow.  It's like he's being paid by the dependent clause.  

I gather Howard thinks of himself as a Hemingway sort of figure.  But Hemingway would have shot himself in the head before committing a sentence like,

"Determined to stick to broad strokes, I outline the project for Lisa, who is exhorting Heath Ryan, busy pantomiming a vomiting attack, to try the various artichoke parts on her plate."

This sort of rambling bolted-on sentence construction is the norm, rather than the exception.  

Howard didn't start his farm because he wanted to.  Or because he had any aptitude for it.  Or any interest in the project whatsoever.  He started it because New York Magazine pitched the idea to him, and offered to pay him a lot of money for the story.  (At least he's forthcoming on this part.)

So I'm reading the book.  I'm wading through the thicket, each sentence like a game trail that you have to keep backtracking to follow.  I made it through the introduction, which is all about his childhood dream to build a raft to sail across the East River, which doesn't have a damned thing to do with anything.

And then I get to the story about the songbirds.

It seems that Howard once decided, out of the blue, that his daughter should get a dozen songbirds for her birthday.  Her SECOND birthday.  Because she has asked for them?  No; because he thought it would be neat.

I don't even know where to begin with this.  Howard doesn't seem to realize - or care - that birds are not a set piece.  That they are living creatures, not toys.  That a pet is probably not an appropriate gift for a two year-old.  That he knows absolutely nothing about birds, and has zero interest in learning about them.  He seems surprised to learn that they poop.  He buys them BEFORE he builds their cage, and they spend an entire night stuffed into a little shoebox.  Frankly I'm surprised that the pet store sold him the birds.

Predictably, his two year-old daughter has little interest in the birds.  Predictably, they last for about a week.  Predictably, Howard neglects the birds, feeds them poorly, doesn't clean their cage, and is utterly baffled when they fail to get along.  Predictably, most of the birds die within a week.

Then Howard storms into the cage, in what he describes as a drunken rage.  Without going into detail, the three remaining birds all die, one at his own hands.

This is a man who should not be allowed to own animals.  He has no aptitude for them, no interest in them, and no empathy for them.  

And that is where I stopped reading.

Fish Pedicure?!

My provincialism is probably showing, but -- and BUT, and BUT, and BUT! I know that is a lot of buts. But, I would be kicked in the butt before I would let fish "pedicure" my feet. I saw this CBS NEWS video and I said -- Say What?!

CBS reports -- "Sole Sensation is one of a handful of fish pedicure shops to open in Britain. Customers immerse their feet in a tank of tiny Garra rufa fish which happily feast on any dead skin they can find." See the video.

My take on this is this -- Put my feet in a tank of fish?.Trust the fish to clean my feet of dead skin? I hear Steven King somewhere laughing.-- or is the voice I hear that of Wes Craven?

So what if "fish pedicure" is a time tested method? I don't trust the government, do you think I am going to trust some fish?

Kansas Combine Derby


Earlier this month, thousands of people made the pilgrimage to Abilene, Kansas for the Kansas Combine Derby, to watch big trucks crash into one another. It was BANG! CLANK! BANG! GEE! BANG, BANG, BANG! CLANK! See the video.

My lord! If that derby wasn't summer madness, is anything ever is?

Well, crashing trucks beat what people at that festival in India did. They threw stones at each other.Crashing big trucks beat throwing stones, right?

As for the festival in Spain, where people throw tomatoes at each other, each year, -- crashing trucks are for the people who can afford the big trucks, and can afford to crash them, --- tossing a tomato? Everybody can toss a tomato.

Wait! I like tomatoes. The price of which is steadily rising. I can't be sure, and the answer is probably not, but I wonder: Does the tossing of the tomatoes in Spain effect the price of the tomatoes in our supermarkets?

Stoning Festival in India


I watched the CBS News video of the Stoning Festival in India, a religious festival in Northern India, with the celebrants throwing stones at one another. My take on the event is that it is another example of summer madness. I know India is in the Southern Hemisphere and is having its winter right now. But this stoning festival is an outdoor activity.

Stoning each other is much more serious than a food fight, and can and do cause injuries. Frankly, it doesn't look attractive. It looks like groups of villagers are at war, -- though the war is supposedly good-natured.

As I watched, I recalled movies scenes of ancient and Medieval battles. I wondered how any one can consider this fun? Then I remembered football. A game in which people hurl their bodies at each other. Football probably may seem a little crazy to an outsider. Football I like, and I still can't get over the fact that the folks in that festival are hurling rocks.

Mother of All Tomato Fights


What is a person to do in the summer? In the eastern Spanish town of Buñol, there is an answer: FOOD FIGHT!

Yesterday, Wednesday, the event for all the food fighters of the world, the battle known as the Tomatina -- with "more than 45,000 visitors from all over the world " clashing, hurling "more than 100 tons of tomatoes at one another for about an hour," the annual, friendly bout of summer madness! See the video.

Pilar Garrigues, the councilwoman in charge of 'fiestas”, said "This year’s event transpired without any serious incidents and the municipal services only had to treat about a dozen people for fainting and slight eye irritations."

This mother of all tomato fights began in 1945 and has grown into a summer spectacle. And my goodness, if no body gets hurt, it is a fine way to get off a little aggression, to get back to our pre-historic roots, and to just fight. Well, it looks like it's more fun than football.

Food fight!
