Well, this is an oldy - but a goody... well grossy...
Im a huge fan of Amy Winehouse. In fact I aspire to be like her someday. honestly, who wouldn't want to be under the infuence, semi-conscious, out of control, and rich? I guess I do not want to be exactly like her though - I mean she does do and say some pretty bizarro things, but I like to think of them as British and "charming"... sometimes.
I found this little gem of an article about Amy adding her own urine to an oinment for her skin and it got me thinking "Can pee even clear up your skin?". Well, it's at least worth a quick online read about how to accomplish this, right? Well, let me tell you, I was wrong. There were a few sources about slathering pee on yourself as an astringent - after washing your face. Let me get this right... wash my face and then pee on it? Well I guess if crackheads do it (the peeing on your own face part no the washing part) it can't be that bad, right? The jury is still out.
Apparently the reasoning behind all this is that urine is high in natural acidity, meaning you can forego the nasty chemicals (that have probably been tested on animals) and you can avoid all the bad side effects - like rashes, burning, peeling and the other yuckies.
Am I man enough to pee on myself? No. I dont care how many "yellow" hanky socials I might have stumbled into at the daddy bars - it is just not something I can agree with - for me. If your into it get crazy on it! Pee all over and have beautiful, wonderful, fresh, pee smelling skin. You will be the envy of all your peers, maybe you should even involve your peers and have a "pee party"! Although that might be going too far.
If your thinking of being like Amy - try these tips and enjoy a new, relatively fresh face! Its worth mentioning the article that gives you the "how to" does have this to say and I'm not sure if it makes them more or less credible:
"Baby urine is actually more potent, so if you have a baby, why not use what they produce most of? In this case, you can collect the urine in the diaper. Simply push the Q-Tip against the wet spot."
Im not even sure if freak-of-the-week Paul Reubens would agree with this pee crazy fad but I guess its worth a shot if you have really bad, deformed, Amy Winehouse skin.