Chris Matthew's Hardball Doc
Right-wing activists are all buzzing themselves silly calling Mr. Matthews doc a "hit piece". Why? Because Mr. Matthews showed the scary face of the Tea Party Movement? Pointed out the wing-nuts involved in the movement and other crazies? To anyone who doubts the involvement of wing-nuts in the Tea Party, I say: Go to the rallies, listen to the speeches. Any fair observer can see that Mr. Matthew gave a true picture of some of the characters involved in the Tea Party Movement, and telling the truth is telling the truth. It isn't as The National Tea Party Federation claims demonizing or misrepresenting the facts.
The Tea Party Movement is a collection of different folks, some of them are Republican Party wing operatives like Dick Armey and his FreedomWorks, others are supporters of Rand Paul and his Libertarians, others are with Sharron Angle and her 2nd Amendment crowd. And some are stone wild-eyed folks; who are operating two bricks short of a load. Mr. Matthew's doc was good journalism. The Tea Party's call to boycott Mr. Matthew's program "Hardball" will be good for Mr. Matthew's ratings.