Chris Matthew's Hardball Doc

Chris Matthews of MSNBC did a fair and balanced documentary on the Tea Party Movement called "The Rise of the New Right" and the movement heads started bawling and calling for a boycott of Chris Matthews sponsors.

Right-wing activists are all buzzing themselves silly calling Mr. Matthews doc a "hit piece".  Why? Because Mr. Matthews showed the scary face of the Tea Party Movement? Pointed out the wing-nuts involved in the movement and other crazies? To anyone who doubts the involvement of wing-nuts in the Tea Party, I say: Go to the rallies, listen to the speeches. Any fair observer can see that Mr. Matthew gave a true picture of some of the characters involved in the Tea Party Movement, and telling the truth is telling the truth. It isn't as The National Tea Party Federation claims demonizing or misrepresenting the facts.

The Tea Party Movement is a collection of different folks, some of them are Republican Party wing operatives like Dick Armey and his FreedomWorks, others are supporters of Rand Paul and his Libertarians, others are with Sharron Angle and her 2nd Amendment crowd. And some are stone wild-eyed folks; who are operating two bricks short of a load. Mr. Matthew's doc was good journalism. The Tea Party's call to boycott Mr. Matthew's program "Hardball" will be good for Mr. Matthew's ratings.

Robots! Look out!

Japanese scientists are moving forward with robots. Scientists at Tokyo University introduced to the world a baby robot named Noby. See the video,

Q: Why does the creation of this baby robot looks like an important development?
A: I watched the video. The scientists look like serious people. Are they out to replace us humans with robots?
A2: No. The scientists say the robot will help them understand how humans grow, they hope.
Q:Then, the robots will take over?
A:Yes, and no. The robots will take over the work humans don't want to do. Robots will be able to do many of the repetitive factory jobs.
Q: Aren't robot doing that now? Non-human looking robots, robots who -- I mean -- that look like the machines, that they are?
A: The human looking robots will be made smarter. They will look smarter too, and work smarter.
Q: Then they are going to take over?

Well, here in the USA, while the scientists in Japan are building these baby robots, which may or may not one day learn how to take over, we are building smart bombs and rockets.

Q: For war and destruction, right?
A: For defense.
Q: So, we won't leave anything for the baby robots to take over?

BP Loves America, Filling Her Beaches With Free Oil

Get down to your beaches America! Gather up that oil! British Petroleum so loves America that it is filling our beaches with free oil!

Cranking Up The Pressure

The public is cranking up the pressure on President Obama to crank up the pressure on British Petroleum. Yesterday, the Obama administration accused British Petroleum of taking risky shortcuts, before the Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion, that resulted in the busted well, gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico. See the video.

President Obama demanded a new plan from BP to stop the leak. BP has come up with a new plan that, sounds like so many of its old plans. Eventually, one of these plans may work. Anyway, it is the clean up and the containment that is prime on Mr. Obama's list. He wants BP to put up the money, $20 billion up front in an escrow account to pay for the cleanup and for other expenses of citizens and the government, caused by BP's oil spill. BP wants to talk about it. BP has signaled that it knows the way to the bankruptcy court.

$20 billion is a lot, says BP and her friends in Britain. BP has no friends in America. BP is gathering up a lot of oil, but is leaving most of its polluting crude in the sea. But BP is gathering so many tens of thousands of barrels of oil a day, at a daily rate that grows. BP gathers more and more of tens of thousands barrels a day, proving itself to be a rotten liar, when it continues to claim, everyday that only a modest amount of oil is leaking from its gushing well. Anyway, BP is selling the oil it is gathering from the water. Will it gather $20 billion dollars worth?

Though BP is gathering up so much oil, tens of thousands barrels a day, it is only gathering a portion of what is leaking. So, there will be planty left to reach our beaches.

Yes, again: Get down to your beaches America! Gather up that oil! British Petroleum, so loves America, that it is filling our beaches with free oil.

The Better Part of Valor

In Mexico City, a young bullfighter, 22-year-old Mexican matador Cristian Hernandez, saw the bull and did what I would have done, made haste to get out of the bull's way. Senor Hernandez was arrested, because he made haste in getting out of the bull's way. When the senor took flight, he was doing; something I never would do, he was in a bull ring, had entered the bull ring, dressed as a bullfighter, was under contract to fight a bull!

There was a crowd, obviously there were cameras, there was a bull, but there was no bull fighter. There was Senor Hernandez leaping head first out of the ring at the beginning of a fight. What fight? The senor dropped his red cape at the sight of the bull and gave flight. I am not into bull body language, but  ckeck the video. Doesn't the bull look disappointed? Maybe the bull sensed the young man's fright and was hoping for a piece of him? May be? The young man's bosses look more than disappointed. They had the young man arrested!

The young Senor Hernandez said in a television interview that once in the ring, facing the bull, he realized that he didn't have the ability or the balls to face the bull. The young senor, arrested on the charge of breach of contract, was later released after paying a fine, and shortly after that, he announced his retirement from bullfighting.

Carrying the Mate

I saw this video and liked it. Men in Latvia testing their strength in a wife-carrying contest. See the video.

Well? Where should I start? After I watched the video, I scratched my head and pondered. I asked myself, "Now, what does it mean? How to I explain what I saw?" I looked for the true, deeper, underlying meaning of a man carrying his wife on his back? Carrying the wife on the back! Men still have to do that? I thought the 21st century woman wanted us to get away from that kind of thing.

I looked a little carefully -- Hauling the wife on the back, showing the little woman how strong men are? That is cave man stuff.

Well, the video is of a contest, right? Man and wife working together? The Man supplying the muscles and the strength; the wife showing her skill in hanging on? The best at the contest practice? Is this is the best way to get the wife to lose weight?

Then there are the participants positions. The wife carried fireman's style, that looks okay. The Estonian style? Oh my lord! Man and wife really get close. Is this something for little kiddies to see? Maybe that's why there are no kiddies seen in the video. Estonian style looks like something better performed in the bedroom, without the running.

Man carrying wife? Some video are so funny, one shouldn't try to explain them. What do you think?

Paris Honors Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda, the actor, the person, the artist, is one of my all time favorite people. I am pleased to hear that she has received another honor.

Yesterday in Paris, in a ceremony, presided over by the mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe, the American actress Jane Fonda, who is looking very good at 72, received the Great Medal of Paris for her contribution to the city's art and culture.  Ms. Fonda was in the City of Light as part of the promotion for the Paris Cinema festival. The festival runs from July 3-13. She is France to make a film. See the video.

Ms. Fonda was a hot star in America in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. She won two Oscars, the first for her role in "Klute " in 1971, and the second for "Coming Home," in 1978. She made successful movies in the 1980s: "Nine to Five", "On Golden Pond", "Agnes of God". She retired from film in 1991, and she returned to making movies in 2005, with ""Monster-in-Law".  Nowadays, she is in film and on stage playing the active older woman.


Russell Crowe Alive; His Recent Movie Died

I saw the rumor on the Internet yesterday afternoon that Russell Crowe had died and then the immediate announcement that Russell Crowe is alive and well, and is the latest target of an Internet celebrity death hoax. My first thought was good, great. Russell Crowe is well.

Russell Crowe is one of the best actors in the movies today. I must confess to a second thought that I had, when I heard of the hoax. It concerned his last movie. Yes, Russell Crowe is alive, it is his last movie, "Robin Hood," that is dead.

That movie didn't die yesterday, it was dead on arrival at movie theaters last month. I like Mr. Crowe as an actor, and I like the story of Robin Hood, which is a very basic action / adventure tale. When I first learned that director Ridley Scott was making his version of the tale and had casted Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett in the leading roles, I thought that Russell Crowe is too old to play Robin Hood and Cate Blanchett is more than a few strolls in the garden past maidenhood to play Maid Marion, and from there the story would falter, because, though Robin Hood is a boy's adventure story, the lads in the forest, living the life of the outlaw,  there is a bit of romance too, with young Robin's courtship of the young Maid Marion.

The movie came out and Cate Blanchett is playing a widow, who is married to the deceased Sir Robert Loxley, the man, Russell Crowe as Robin Longstride ( Robin Hood) is pretending to be. Ridley Scott had changed the story. A different or original story is not a bad things as long as the characters remain loyal to the original author's or authors's creation. Well, I thought the movie is too much invented story, not enough Robin Hood.

Abby's Stunt: Child Endangerment

It is a very good thing that Abby Sunderland, the 16 year old California girl who attempted to sail solo around the world, and who was lost and feared dead, has been found alive and well. But it is not a very good thing for a 16 year old girl to attempt to sail around the world by herself. It is a very reckless thing. Her stunt could have cost her her life. It did cost thousands and a lot more, for rescuers to search for her, after she set off distress beacons in stormy weather in a remote part of the Indian Ocean. Now, any lone sailor could run into the same bad weather and be forced to call for help. But a child is more vulnerable to danger than an adult. Rescuers risk their lives rescuing people caught in danger from stunts gone bad.

At the start of the stunt, TJ Simers, a sports columnist for the Los Angeles Times, called the attempt of the girl to sail solo around the world  "child endangerment". "I just don't understand the idea of risking life. This kid's going to be out there all by herself. Death is a possibility. Bad weather. Are you kidding me? Who's responsible for this? She's a kid," he wrote.

In the video, made before Abby Sunderland was found alive and well, her brother, Zac, gives an interview to reporters. The stunt of a child sailing solo is apparently a family thing. He sailed around the world alone last year, age at 17. He speaks as if his sister is possibly just late coming home from school, and that it is a normal thing to perform stunts that may require foreign governments to spend tens of thousands of dollars to rescue a person, who gets into trouble while performing a stunt. The rescuers should send the family a bill for the costs spent in rescuing the girl.

This is What Happens When British Petroleum/BP Spills Coffee

In case you missed it, BP or British Petroleum, those wankers who are refusing to divulge the extent of the giant oil spill off the coast of Louisianna (in U.S. Territorial waters), and killing thousands of birds, never mind the seals, manatees, turtles, fish and the rest of the ocean--has now threatened the BPGlobalPR Twitter parody with various unspoken demands about making their parody status clear ("We are not at all associated with Beyond Petroleum, the oil company that has been destroying the Gulf of Mexico for 53 days").

Tom Cruise Great Actor

At the MTV Movie Awards last Sunday night, Tom Cruise stole the show by reviving the character Les Grossman, the character he played to rave reviews in the 2008 film "Tropic Thunder."

Tom Cruise's Les Grossman at the MTV Movie Awards went over so well that, yesterday, to a few, if to anybody's surprise, Paramount Studios announced that the Tom Cruise's Les Grossman character will get his own movie. See the video.

I hope Paramount comes up with a good script that has a decent back story, that will allow Tom Cruise to flesh out the character and make it truly interesting for a two hour movie. So far Les Grossman is very funny to watch do his thing for about fifteen minutes. A good script could be the world's chance to see Tom Cruise performing totally in character, and appreciate what a good actor he is, as opposed to just an attractive movie star.. A good script could finally lead to him receiving a long over due Oscar.
