It seems like there was a new round of 'weird Japanese products' making its way to my inbox this past week. By inboxes I meant in email form from a good friend with a bit too much time to spare and not the product itself. But then, I must admit that the dissection keychain would be worth owning.
Photo Source: Tokyo Mango
Dogs Looking Like Owners
Everyone says this will happen but so far there has been no sign of it. So, what next? Simple. This company behind these products probably heard the plea of 'I wanna look like my dog' folks and made these bizarre products. It comes complete with gloves and face mask. Oh my, are those cat and bird-like face masks?
Photo Source: Anime Vice
3D Mouse Pads
Getting in touch with your animal side might be a bit one-sided. And it might be too weird for folks from other countries to understand. But I'm guessing that this particular product will speak to men from all cultures? Yea, it's mouse pads that have wrist-rest bits that are shaped like a woman's breast. Specifically, it features characters from the popular manga, One Piece.
Photo Source: Gizmodo
Walking Bag
Alright, I'll admit it, this one was strange. It's basically a sleeping bag that has a fork in the bottom so that it fits like a pair of pants. Wait, what? In all fairness, this product would have been uber useful on a number of life-and-death situations in movies/series. Wonder if the good heroes of Star Wars would have needed a Tauntaun carcass if they had packed with one of these leggy bags.
Photo Source: Tres Sugar
Wrong Role Model
That's just wrong. Apparently there's a Hello Kitty that actually pays tribute to Paris Hilton. Why would you do that? What do you want your kids to learn from such a character? It's funny how they threw in her dog as an accessory as well. Knowing what this woman is most famous for, you'd expect other items as accessories.
Photo Source: Incredible Things
Dissection Toys
Speaking of weird toys, someone also sent me a link to this one. I must admit these were pretty fantastic. You know how it's fun to learn about various muscles, mostly so you can keep them in mind when you sketch them out? Wouldn't it be great to have one of these around for those occasions? Well, I suppose it makes sense if you are in habit of drawing a lot of animals.
Photo Source: Examiner
Obama Mask
As far as bizarre is concerned, these ones make it to the top of the list. Judging from all the Obama references in Japanese culture, I'd say that the country is really taken with the US president. Funny thing is, some companies have an unusual way of catering to this fascination. Take those face masks for instance. How does it make sense for anyone wanting one of those? Of course, this is coming from someone whose preteen years consisted of seeing TV clips featuring folks wearing Yeltsin masks. That's about the only instance that I can imagine anyone wanting a face mask …. that, and Rammstein videos. Oh and did you also see the Obama figurine that made the rounds a while back? It was a Men in Black Meets Dutch from Predator sort of moment.