The PS22 Chorus

It's safe to say that the PS22 chorus absolutely and completely kicks ass. If you haven't already taken a look at them on, Youtube, take a look at them here and enjoy.  And, in case you didn't know already, Alyssa Milano of "Who's the Boss" has tweeted them, making them that much more prominent in the eyes of the world. Enjoy.


MILF vs Cougar

Salon has an interesting article about women reclaiming the term "cougar."  Or rather, just plain claiming it, since the term is relatively new and wasn't "ours" to begin with.

The article rightly points out that "cougar" is probably best seen as an empowering term because it revolves around the sexuality of older women.  Frankly, just acknowledging that sexuality EXISTS in older women is a huge step for our culture.  And unlike a lot of other similar terms, "cougar" does not necessarily imply either wrongdoing (like "gold digger") or ickiness.

An interesting exercise is to compare and contrast the terms "cougar" and "MILF." A cougar is an active term, the image being that of a woman stalking and about to pounce on her "prey."  In fact, most of the entries specifically reference hunting behavior in their definition of cougar (including the words pounce, stalk, claws, prey).

On the odd side, a cougar is also a variety of cat, and a constellation of related terms has sprung up around this linkage.  A "puma" is a cougar in training - a sexually predatory woman in her 20s, rather than her 40s or 50s.  A "panther" is an African-American cougar.  A "bobcat" is… well, the definitions are confusing and conflicting.  But you get the picture.

I guess I'm glad to have the slang world finally start veering away from the canine metaphors, i.e. "bitch."  Although I just thought of Shakira's new song "She Wolf" and had to smile.  I don't think that's what she was going for, but hey, more power to her, the video is AWESOME.  Okay, there are several potential ethical violations embedded in the lyrics, but seriously, that woman is the best.

Err… anyway.  The word that comes up again and again in all of these cat-related terms is "claws."  Isn't that interesting?  

A "MILF" is by definition two things:

1)    The other - the target of the male gaze.  This is built right into the acronym.

2)    A mother - wait, are you saying that all women are NOT mothers? Hey, confusing! But it is true.  In fact, many women are not mothers.  Even women in their 30s and 40s may not be mothers.  I'm not, for one!  But this is the kind of subtlety which is utterly lost on the kind of frat boy who slings around the term "MILF."

The term "MILF" also neatly side-steps the issue of her sexuality.  We know how YOU feel, frat boy dude who just called that woman a MILF, but how does SHE feel about it?  The very crudeness of the acronym implies that the woman it targets is somehow unaware of her sexual appeal (otherwise she'd just be called an "old whore").

Given the alternatives, "cougar" is certainly one of the better terms used in relation to the sexuality of women over 30.  If there is anything to complain about, it is that the term is an odd combination of stealth and combativeness.  There is no such thing as a willing target of a cougar attack, nor is the target ever aware of what is happening until it's too late.  Rawr?

Funny Indian Fight Scenes

Indian movie industry has come up with some real gems. By this I mean flicks with great storylines, catchy songs and some really quirky horror movies. But, like everyone else, they have their hits and misses. Like action sequences. In a number of movies, the director and fight choreographer appear to throw logic to the winds and say, 'What the heck, let's just mixit all together!'. Consider these few examples.

The Village Fight

This is one of those wtf moments from a Tamil movie. I am not sure about the name of the movie or the folks in it … I just know this – if the rest of the movie is as cheesy as this one action scene, count me in for watching the full movie. Here you have a man with a mighty moustache walking confidently towards some bad guys. Imagine hectic music in the background, possibly some trumpet solos. Now a group of mean-looking, machete-wielding guys confront him. And what do you know – with one kick he sends them somersaulting in various directions. I just love the way one guy bounced up and hit a lamppost!

You know what I would like to know? If the big bosses were standing far, witnessing this carnage-not looking very stunned, come to think of it-why don't they make a run for it? If this is how he dishes justice to minions, heck, I wouldn't want to be the finishing act for his fancy moves. Then again, maybe one of them had a gun?

As you get to the end of the clip, you can understand why he opted for the confident strut … man's got a frumpy run; oh dear, say bye bye to your street cred!

Bar Fight

Okay, why is everyone wearing kimonos? And are they made of silk? What club is this again? I am guessing that the main guy, the hero, was kidnapped and brought here for some nefarious purpose. Now be patient with the actor, he is just getting his bearings. You can see this from the way he does the sideways turns every time he attempts a sideways jump-kick. And then he really gets into form; somersaults, hovers the purple-kimono man and proceeds to slap him. You heard me, it was a wimpy slap, the type best delivered by glove-wearing women from historical romance novels. You can tell just how disturbing it was; the big baddie with twirly mustache, the one watching from the sidelines also grimaces in disgust at that moment.

Alright, so he defeated him. What next? Is he going to fight the twirly mustache man? Wait … why the music, what's going on? Why is he dancing? You mean this was what he was doing in the club before the fight? Oh my, no wonder someone tried to stop him!

Hanging Man

This is a short clip compared to the rest. However it is definitely worth your while. The first few seconds show a guy – assuming he is the hero – kicking some random guy into the air and slamming him into an overhead light. It might have been at a boxing ring, it might have been at the circus, you really couldn't tell. Then, the clip cuts to this bizarre scene where the hero is surrounded by a whole bunch of neatly dressed men. Oh and did I mention they are trying to lasso that guy? If you thought that was weird, wait a few seconds. Is that a man hanging from the ceiling, looking trussed up like a turkey?

Biker Fight

Of course such a collection of fight scenes would not be complete without featuring Rajnikanth, the king of corny fights! So there he is, riding into the village square on his nifty looking motorcycle. Does he fit the rough tough biker look? Let's see: Scarf around neck? Check! Smoking a cigarette while striking cheesy pose? Check! Sleeveless shirt? Check! Fake license plate to deceive corrupt cops? Check! Tassels on bike handlebar? Wait ... what?

Well, it'll get better once he starts bashing up the baddies. Then again, maybe not! That's when he resembles an extra from a Wham music video. To his credit, you got to love how he bounces back after each fistfight and poses next to his bike. Wait for the bit where he kicks a heavy sack or something or the other at one minion. I love how it looks like the sack is flopping over sadly in that one shot and then cuts to it whooshing through the air like a flying squirrel in the next shot.


Fried Fair Food

It’s amazing the types of foods that most Americans will eat, especially the fair going ones.  It is even encouraged at most fairs such as the State Fair of Texas to have the “Big Tex Choice Awards” where fried foods are the winning entries.  This year at the Texas State Fair (and Puyallup Fair in Washington State), the rumors are true; they will be serving “Deep Fried Butter”.  The creator, Abel Gonzales came up with this fat and full of cholesterol fried food that consists of 100 percent pure butter that is light and fluffy and sweetened with several flavors then surrounded in special dough and deep fried.  To me that sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen, I am curious to see if doctor visits go up after this years round of County and State fairs.

What happened to the normal (and still fattening) corn dogs and funnel cakes?  I suppose those items had become too boring for those committed fair goers.  Other items at this years State and County fairs will also include Deep Fried Peaches and Cream and of course deep fried candy bars such as Snickers, Reece’s bars and even Twinkies and deep fried cheese cake.  I even saw chocolate covered bacon at this years L.A. County Fair, but I did not try it.

I also hear that there is deep fried Coca Cola, but I have yet to see it.  Apparently it consists of Coca Cola flavored batter, fried and then cola syrup to drizzle over the fattening fried dough.  What I wonder is, who actually eats this and does it taste good and do you eat it just to say you have tried it or are you genuinely interested in eating these fried foods?

Other past questionable deep fried fair foods:

Jelly Bellys deep fried.  Who would have thought to deep fry Jelly Bellys? I mean they are one of my favorite candies, but I would prefer them not dipped in fattening batter and then deep fried, I will just eat them plain, thank you. 

White Castle Burgers.  I have tried White Castle Burgers and honestly I thought they were just as good as any other burger, nothing super special about them, but fair goers none the less will and have eaten a deep fried White Castle Burger (like you are not getting enough grease and fat from the hamburger already).  I do not even want to know what the calories would look like for a deep fried White Castle Burger, but then again, most fair goers (much like me) do not count calories at the fair, it is like a “free” day.  My boyfriend and I call it the one day a year Los Angeles residents will actually eat food without worrying too much about what they are actually consuming.

Fried Spam.  Who even likes Spam to begin with and then to have it deep fried… yuck.

Pop Tarts turned funnel cake.  That is right, some fairs have deep fried Pop Tarts and put them into funnel cake batter.  I once heard that if you want to gain weight you should eat pop tarts on a daily basis.  For some reason, that does not sound too appetizing to me.  If I were to try any type of deep fried fair food, it most likely will not be the deep fried Pop Tart, although much better sounding than the deep fried Spam. 

Ah, good old fair food… what is next, deep fried Crisco?

Zombies and Vampires, the Ultimate Fight

Vampire books are hot (or cold depending on how you look at it) and Zombie books and films are even hotter. What I am about to suggest has  already been done numerous times, but for your next book, graphic novel, or autobiography, why not try a Vampire v. Zombie book? Consider the possiblities.

The battles of the undead. The Zombies are gory and stupid but able to walk at all times of the day, albeit slowly. The Vampires are intelligent and creepy, but limited to getting around at night. (I refuse to accept the Twilight version of vampires.)  There are more Zombies than Vampires, giving the Zombies an unfair advantage. Besides their numbers, the Zombies would have an easier time killing the Vampires because they could use pieces of their coffins as stakes.

For a point by point analysis, please check out this link here, which is from the "Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency" who has the sole purpose of pretending to control the populations of both Vampires and Zombies, maybe similar to how the TSA has the purpose of pretending to keep airplanes safe by ensuring that there are no tweezers hidden in our shoes.

TIME magazine, apparently having nothing more important to report about than the Zombification of the United States, has even weighed in on the debate, claiming that Vampires would  win, and that Zombies are most assuredly not here to stay. TIME doesn't come out and say it, but the reason has to be that Vampires are way, way sexier than their Zombie counterparts. Think about it: how many sexy Vampires have you seen versus sexy Zombies?

TIME gets a little stranger about the Zombies and Vampires, though, calling the Zombies "the official monster of the recession". OK......I know that sponsorship is out of control, but who ever thought a recession would need an official monster? Was the Lochness Monster the official monster of the Depression?

The reasons given for the exaltation of the Zombie are as ridiculous as the entire debate about a Zombie Vampire fight. According to TIME:

"If there's something new about today's zombie, it's his relatability. Sure, he's an abomination and a crime against all that is good and holy. But he exemplifies some real American values too. He's plucky and tenacious — you can cut off his limbs and he'll keep on coming atcha."

Those are some real American values for sure. While I'm confident the article was tongue-in-cheek, I'm curious why TIME has had not only one, but two articles devoted to Zombies and Vampires. 
