I am living in a sea of pigs. Literally, I am swimming around in a sea of bacon. Everywhere I look, I see bacon and I fully expect the bacon problem to get worse before it gets better.
Kevin Bacon, Bacon soda, Bacon Bras.
Bacconaise, bacon-flavored lip balm, and more. I expect to see bacon ornaments hanging from Christmas trees made by bacon-loving elves in stores near me. I’m expecting the next You-Tube sensation to be “Bacon Rain”. (Because suddenly bacon is the new chocolate, only it’s not nearly as healthy as chocolate.)
Bacon is now selling for approximately a dollar more per pound than it did a year ago and sources like THIS are blaming “Bacon Love”, which is the seeming frenzy of our nation totally addicted to bacon. The increased love for bacon also gives new meaning to the term, “What’s shakin’ bacon?”
Bacon-lovers will probably regret missing New York City’s very own Bacon-palooza, an entire artsy-type festival devoted to bacon, bacon products, bacon art, bacon songs, and bacon dances. While the festival was ostensibly created to raise money for autism, I am sure more than one or two wannabe hipsters attended the event for purposes of being cool.
If there aren’t enough bacon products available for the masses of bacon-lovers out there— now there are several “Bacon of the Month Club” Christmas gifts available to give to any friends and family members whose heart rates and cholesterol levels can withstand a monthly package of delicious bacon delivered to their doorsteps. (If you’ve had heart problems and get a " gift from someone, just remember to question their motives and assume that it might be wise to share your bacon.)
Here are a couple of the options for “Bacon of the Month Clubs”:
Pig Next Door: Claims that there bacon is not “highly industrialized” and will therefore not shrink in the pan, which in turn saves you money.
Bacon Freak: Offers a variety of “Bacon of the Month Clubs” that actually consider health restrictions or personal bacon preferences that bacon-lovers might have. (Nitrate-free bacon is one option, also Bacon Freak offers pepper-free bacon for anyone with a strange aversion or inexplicable allergy to pepper.)
If real bacon is not your thing, or your heart can’t take it, do a quick Google or Bing search to find bacon alternatives. And don’t forget to let me know what you find.
Image Courtesy of Creative Commons User Alexander Dulaunoy.