"Repetitive laughter could have the same effects on the body as exercise, according to a new study. Results of the study, from Loma Linda University's Schools of Allied Health (SAHP) and Medicine, showed that laughing not only enhances a positive mood, but lowers stress hormones, increases immune activity, and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, similar to moderate exercise. "
I am so happy to have read this. That is blessed news for a couch potato. I can sit on my rump, exercise my funny bone and get some of the benefits of a person exercising his old bones. Fantastic. I wonder what Benny Hill would have made of this news. Benny Hill? I have Benny Hill on my mind. I've just watched one of his vids on YouTube. Yes, I've been exercising my funny bones and unbeknown to me I have been getting all of those other benefits too. Oh, life is good.