In a German village there is a bright blue colored stork that has become a tourist attraction. Storks are normally white. This blue one has become a golden goose. People are flocking to the village to see it, snapping its picture, grabbing up souvenirs and spending money in the local shops and restaurants. An oddity always draws the curious and the enterprising.
I don't know much of anything about storks, except that in folklore they are said to deliver babies. Storks are symbols for the healthy delivery of babies. A blue one is a symbol for what? I had not until today heard of blue storks. Storks are white and how one of them became blue is a mystery of sorts. The stork, this rare specimen, has experts puzzled. Some are saying the bird must have taken a bath in some blue paint or colored water. "Storks migrate long distances and often rest in rubbish dumps where it is thought this individual may have picked up its distinctive hue." Huh? Right? Maybe that is the explanation, and maybe somebody just helped the bird take a dye bath? I've checked and still don't know what a blue stork is a symbol for, or if its appearance is some kind of a sign. Anyway, the appearance of this German bird seems to be a sign for the locals to start making money.