Faces of Meth Updated to Include Agassi

Faces of Meth Updated to Include Agassi


Tonight Andre Agassi is going to stun the world. He is going to sit down with Katie Couric, and announce to the us all that he was a METH user back in 1997. It's a big surprise that Agassi is all of the sudden coming clean about his addictions. Could this be an excuse as to why his tennis playing has continuously sucked through the years? All this time we thought he was just overly concerned about his hair loss... but really, he was snorting and/or smoking/shooting a drug whose ingredients could possibly include: drain cleaner, chloroform, acetone, ether, anhydrous ammonia... the list of common household cleaners goes on and on.

This seems to show one major problem in sports: drug testing. Methamphetamine only stays detectable in your body for 2-4 days. Even with random drug testing, the odds are, that unless he was a daily user, he would never be caught for his discretion.

Unfortunately, for athletes like Jennifer Capriati or Michael Phelps, their performance enhancing drug of choice stays in their system for much, much longer. So, why do we even bother testing for drugs, when in reality if you know someone well enough, you should be able to tell when they're messed up on drugs.

To celebrate Agassi's one and only interview this evening on 60 Minutes, the infamous FACES OF METH poster has been altered to include Agassi's image. After 1 year of use, it looks like he lost all his hair, and aged about 30 years. Now if that doesn't scare people away from snorting crank, what will?