Florence Henderson, not one known to be a sour grape mama, said she is "surprised" that grizzly mama Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol didn't get voted off the ABC's show, Dancing With the Stars. The talented Ms. Henderson was eliminated on Tuesday's show.
Ms. Henderson told Us Magazine that she "was a little surprised, but you know I've watched this show since it began, and I've seen absolutely shocking things happen on it, so somebody has to go."
Well it could be politics? What do you think?
From UsMagazine.com --"Palin, 19, who scored the lowest on Monday's show for the jive, tells Us, 'I'm so relieved. It is like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was scared and nervous going into the night, but we got through so that's very exciting ... I was definitely surprised and shocked when they said we were safe... with our low scores and stuff, it was pretty stressful.'She says she thinks that voters saw her "rawness and vulnerability" and that's why they kept her in.
Maybe her mama grizzly is the thousand pound gorilla behind this amazing thing?