God is everywhere, and specifically, he's/she's on the web. From a website that allows you to generate your own church signs, to a prayer based twitter service, God is definitely out there in full force.
I think the next step is for the Catholic Church to host online confessions. Link up your webcam to Father John in the cofessional and confess away. It's like sitting in the cofessional with the shade pulled, but almost a little more impersonal.
...Well wouldn't you know! After a little bit of searching, I did find an online confessional. Needless to say, it is definitely not as good idea as video chat confession, but I think they're on the right track.
I'm very tempted right now to start a twitter account as "GOD" and reply to some of these prayers people are praying. Kind of Jim Carrey like in Bruce Almighty... you could practically turn it in to a full time job!
What would the internet be without God?
Personally I think it would be an endless loop of facebook quizzes.