These messages include:
Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world?
Will You forgive all of my sins?
What should I do with my life?
What do You want from me?
Wow. All of those cover exactly what I need to know when I am in an emotional cul-de-sac and surfing the web. God if you're a fan of Sputterpop and you happen to find this... PLEASE SMITE THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS SITE! Its total blasphemy. Not only does God "respond" (in txt spk) to the automated questions that are asked but he gives detailed instructions on how to use the simulated "phone" in front of you ("push here", ect.). I personally think they should have, at the VERY least given God a hip simulated iphone... but thats just me. ALSO -the answers from "God" all have a bibilical inscription to really bring home his message. Why doesn't the "text" just say: "read ur bible".
Am I the only one who finds this SO wrong AND OFFENSIVE TO PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS! Seriously! If the people behind this website were clever they would have actually assigned a number to "God" so people can text "him" for real. Even that is like crazy to think about. Its basically like telling your kids to text Santa what they want for Christmas. Santa is OLD and should never be hip to text. Just sayin'.