Amanda Knox in Stripes

Amanda Knox may be Seattle's most notorious criminal, with the probable exception of Ted Bundy. But, in addition to her international intrigue, she has literally left former prisoner Martha Stewart in the dust with her fashions. I found this particular ensemble quite notable for her use of stripes to accentuate her chest.

The chest-accentuation was more than likely a skill learned as her days as a barista in Seattle when she was a student at the University of Washington. And, no, I do not believe that she was a bikini barista, just in case you believe that that particular brand of depravity could lead to murder and an over-use of stripes, which maybe she should get used to.

Amanda has been convicted in connection for the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher, which was bloody, and gruesome. (Specific details can be found here.)


#FamousHoodquotes vs. #Whiteyquotations

Tonight's trending topics on Twitter were making no sense to me. So I decided to click on #hoodquotes and see what all the fuss was about. Twitter is SO AWESOME! Tonight hundreds of people were tweeting their favorite "hood quotes". I decided that I wanted to do a comparison between "hood quotes" and what I like to call Whitey Quotations. Here is one I really like:

KandaceJewel RT @buggsyb #famoushoodquotes can I AX you a question??? Ugh I hate that!!!!!<-- lmao i know right! i be like "nah, dont kill me pls!" less than a minute ago from web

the equivalent Whitey Quotation:

"No question is so difficult to answer as that which the answer is obvious."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish writer.
Why I chose these quotes:
Firstly, the hoodquote was a little too obvious to even be a hood quote. How cliche. Secondly, asking someone if you can ask them a question is pretty ridiculous. Just ask George Bernard Shaw. It's a little hard to answer a question when the answer is obvious. I'd much rather just slap you up the head.


shannon_yazurlo #famoushoodquotes Im All Bout Them MuahhFuckin Benjamins

Whitey Quotation

The use of money is all the advantage there is in having money.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American statesman, scientist and philosopher.

Why I chose these quotes:
I think that in this economy, the hood quote "all about the Benjamins" truly represents the greed and arrogance that has rotted Wall Street and the rest of high class America. Even though this quote is considered "hood" and/or "ghetto", in reality, this quote was made famous by Puff Daddy... or P. Diddy... whatever he's going by now. Puff Diddy Daddy definitely isn't in the hood now, even if that is where he came from.
Franklin on the other hand drives it home with his take on money, and I think his is a little more reasonable. In all reality, the only advantage of having money is being able to use it. If the world ever ended up in chaos someday, or should I say more chaos than it's already in, then money isn't going to mean a thing.

DJ_Ev RT @Omopretty: #famoushoodquotes u cant make a hoe a housewife

Whitey Quotation

When women go wrong, men go right after them.
Mae West (1892-1980) American actress and playwright.
Why I chose these quotes:
Many people tweeted the infamous you Can't make a HOE a HOUSEWIFE. Booyah! First of all, to all of you hoe's out there... you can be anything you want girl! just put your mind to it. This is very similar to the "you can take the girl out of the trailer..." quote to me. In a way, it's just another misogynistic quote aimed at keeping women down. I mean seriously, I know a bunch of hoe's from back in the day that are currently very seemingly happy housewives.
I think Mae West had it a little more correct. Men like hoe's. If men didn't like hoes, women't wouldn't be hoes. Just like the old adage about women liking "bad boys", men like "bad women". It's true. Hoes aparently like to put out, and men seem to like it. MEN: IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE AROUND HOES DON'T ENABLE THEM!

clax10 #famoushoodquotes get a N* before he get you.

Whitey Quotation
You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your tricks of war.
Napoleon I (1769-1821) Napoleon Bonaparte

Why I chose these quotes:
Self defense is definitely an important thing, as is the notion of survival of the fittest. Both Napoleon and a ghetto hoodlum had it right when they were discussing the enemy. Don't let anyone get the best of you. Get them before they get you or else you're gonna get got.

Stay tuned for some more ridiculous trending top discussions coming soon!

Faces of Meth Updated to Include Agassi


Tonight Andre Agassi is going to stun the world. He is going to sit down with Katie Couric, and announce to the us all that he was a METH user back in 1997. It's a big surprise that Agassi is all of the sudden coming clean about his addictions. Could this be an excuse as to why his tennis playing has continuously sucked through the years? All this time we thought he was just overly concerned about his hair loss... but really, he was snorting and/or smoking/shooting a drug whose ingredients could possibly include: drain cleaner, chloroform, acetone, ether, anhydrous ammonia... the list of common household cleaners goes on and on.

This seems to show one major problem in sports: drug testing. Methamphetamine only stays detectable in your body for 2-4 days. Even with random drug testing, the odds are, that unless he was a daily user, he would never be caught for his discretion.

Unfortunately, for athletes like Jennifer Capriati or Michael Phelps, their performance enhancing drug of choice stays in their system for much, much longer. So, why do we even bother testing for drugs, when in reality if you know someone well enough, you should be able to tell when they're messed up on drugs.

To celebrate Agassi's one and only interview this evening on 60 Minutes, the infamous FACES OF METH poster has been altered to include Agassi's image. After 1 year of use, it looks like he lost all his hair, and aged about 30 years. Now if that doesn't scare people away from snorting crank, what will?

Fox News Sucks

This is an absolute news flash to absolutely no one or maybe just to the people somewhere in the middle of BFE who actually think that Fox News is news: Fox News is Not News.

The Fox News claim for “fair and balanced reporting” ranks highly among advertisers biggest lies, possibly just behind the tobacco industry’s claim that cigarettes and nicotine are not addictive and McDonald’s claims that they are now in the business of creating healthy Americans with their crappy food. 

I’ve seen battles between Jon Stewart and Fox News before, but this is the first time I’ve seen a presidential administration in a brawl with a so-called news broadcasting station. The battle lines appear to have been drawn pretty strongly. According to the Obama administration, Fox News is not a news station. According to great Republican thinkers like the f*ckwad Karl Rove who has the dubious distinction of having the rights to Bush’s  brain in both Texas and the White House, this statement  is the equivalent of using a Richard Nixon tactic by including journalists on an enemy list.

“What?” That last comment was my own personal reaction to Rove’s statement while sitting here in my living room, trying to recall the somewhat fuzzy details of the Bush administration’s role with the media. Seriously, which administration had the worst reputation for blocking access and questions from the media? Which president and his cronies withheld and mis-represented intelligence information that led us into war?  Hmmmmm......could it be Bush? (for the correct pronunciation in this case, flash yourself back to Dana Carvey’s Church Lady impersonation). Karl Rove has absolutely no business complaining to anyone about integrity.

In fact, if memory serves me correctly, wasn’t there a scandal involving an illegal retaliation after a story unfavorable to the Bus administration was released? I believe it was called Plamegate and ended up with Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney’s man, taking the fall.

The Obama administration is forthright in their claims about Fox News, which makes them honest and straightforward when compared to the under-handed and dangerous tactics of releasing the name of a CIA agent. In my mind, the Obama administration is absolutely correct in this particular instance.

8 Unusual Japanese Snacks

Like every other country, Japan has its share of strange and quirky food. Although I got to say that, unlike most countries, Japan has more frequent instances of creating exceptionally weird snacks. Check out 8 such snack types below.

1. “Otoko Kaoru” or 'Man Smell' Chewing Gum

Think that simply spraying Axe is not good enough? Need a bit of extra help boosting your ego? Or do you just worry that you smell funny? These must be the questions running through the minds of the inventors of this chewing gum. It is roughly translated as 'Man Smell' chewing gum and it purports to add that extra oomph to your manliness. Granted, the smell wafting from your skin pores will remind you of roses but perhaps this is aimed at the metrosexual man?

2. American Burger Flavored Potato Chips

Wait, what? So basically, if you were to eat these chips with your burger, you will get the same taste either way? Maybe these chips are meant for camping trips and such, you know when you are far from a burger joint and you crave a yummy snack? Is there any other way you can make sense of this? It's not surprising that this didn't last long on the market.

(Photo via Flickr user vacationtime via Candy Addict)

3. Collon

In this case, it is not just a matter of an unfortunate name but the snack itself. It's meant to be a sweet snack and comes as wafer tubes with filling. Are you having a facepalm moment? Did I mention that chocolate is one of the filling flavors? Oh dear.

4. Big Daddy Bento Box

Alright, so this is cool weird. Who wouldn't want their lunch meal to look like this? Of course I would not want to eat it, mostly because I would not want to ruin the layout. I love how one of his bent leg has rice molded just at the right angle. Someone spent way too much time making his lunch!

5. Maccha Milk Kit Kat

Think the color is a bit weird? Well, that is a hint about the flavor of this quirky Japanese snack. Yep, you should only bite into this if you are craving a bit of green tea flavored snack. Kind of a strange taste for a chocolate bar, don't you think? Then again, that's what some folks said about mint chocolate bars ….

6. Pepsi Shiso

Speaking of minty flavor, check out this unusual flavor for a Pepsi drink. Apparently it is a mint flavored Pepsi and, if this blog is anything to go by, it also has a hint of pine and fennel. It's starting to sound more like something you keep in your car, you know to get rid of those funny American Burger flavored chips you left for too long in your car.

7. Mother's Milk

I am hoping this is aimed at young mums and are intended for babies. Actually, can you give a carton of breast milk to a kid … is that even healthy? You also wonder if there are other, more grownup folks queuing up to buy this drink. I have to agree with the site that featured this drink; what kind of factory actually produces this drink? What would they say in the classified, when advertising for this ad?

8. Uka-ru Chips

This one is too cute for words. According to this blog, the chip type is a reference to special prayers one does when hoping to pass exams and such. So … prayer chips? Maybe it gives that extra drive and boost a student needs during study time? Whatever the case, you have to admit that the packaging for the chips is rather endearing.


Kymaro New Body Shaper - Really sucks. Really

Kymaro New Body Shaper - Really sucks. Really.: Does it get any better than this photo? Honestly.

After a long night of Vicks and Tylenol Warming I still had a hard time sleeping and I ran into this new miracle product -Kymaro New Body Shaper (Starting at: $39.95). You just place it on under your clothes to rid yourself of that pesky upper gunt, those menacing cottage cheese rolls, and chunky back flab. 

I have got to you I was more than a little sceptical. "Lose 6 inches by simply putting on a piece of clothing? It cant be!"

Im not sure if it was all the drugs I was on, or not getting enough oxygen from all the coughing (I am sure I have swine flue), but this product really seemed to work wonders for the women who tried them on. I was almost convinced this product is just what people need (who refuse to diet and live entirely off vending machine snacks and McDonalds) when the above woman appeared during the commercial. She had this crazed look in her eyes that you only get when your an addict - in her case im not sure if its crack or crackers.

It was obvious at this time what was really going on. Kymaro picked up thesewomen off the streets with promises of empty calories and a slimmer figure. This woman who I call "Paula" had this strained, addict, look in her eyes and I knew then she was duped. She has been enslaved by the Kymaro and would say ANYTHING to get to the buffet table (which I could tell she was eyeing the whole time).

The proof is in the pudding Paula. You sold your soul for some cold cuts and Krispy Kreme and now women all over America are buying this product thinking it will be the miracle they need to ditch the diet and just suck it all it with the Kymaro. You should be ashamed. 

Paula, I doubt youll read this, but if you do, the google search of "kymaro" brings up mostly complaints from women claiming this product does not work. You lied to them, you betrayed their trust, you let them fall even deeper into the fast food slump and now they are nothing but shells of former human beings. Are you happy Paula?

Why isnt Paula telling the real deal to all of these women? Maybe she doesn't know so i will fill her in:

Hello! All you need to do Paula is get off the fast food junket, work out, and be healthier!

If you cant manage that then at the very least don't hock overpriced girdles on late night tv and just suck it all in for the camera. Everyone can see the lies - in your eyes, and your thighs.

Pussy: A Natural Beverage

There are times when I really do become speechless. This is one of them. I note that the official company Web site states that Pussy is a natural high-energy beverage made with 100 natural ingredients. The ingredients include white grape juice (from southern Italy, no less!), Mexican limes, lightly carbonated water flavored with Grenadilla and Lychee, and then "Infused with six selected botanical herbs," namely Milk Thistle, Guarana, Siberian Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, Schizandra (apparently a Chinese herb believed to aid memory and ward off depression, and protect the liver) and Ginkgo Biloba.

They seem absolutely sincere, and the product is genuine. Apparently Pussy is the British brain child of Jonnie Shearer, who at 21 created the product, and launched it in London in June of 2004. The marketing and branding are a bit whack, to my way of thinking, but they assert that "The name Pussy shocks and demands attention—that's the point." The copy is surprisingly bland, though there is a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor, so's to speak. It has, moreover, already been turned into a demotivational poster, which, I suppose, is a mark of . . . something. For the etymologically curious, I note that accord to the OED, pussy was first used colloquially to refer to a young girl or woman "exhibiting characteristics associated with a cat, esp. sweetness or amiability," but that by 1699 it was a reference to the vulva.
