Breaking News: A Comedy Could Potentially Win Best Picture this Year!!

As the quality of movies being produced in Hollywood goes down, the amount of best picture nominees goes up? Apparently about 60 years ago, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences decided to limit the number of films that could be nominated for best picture to only five. Now, after 60 years of limiting the genres and films that can be selected, the Academy has upped the limit to ten.

Now that ten movies can be nominated for an Oscar, does this mean that the quality of movies being given a "best picture" nod is going to diminish? Long gone are the days when films of high caliber were produced and respected. Not to say that all of the movies produced today are crap, they're not, but needless to say, I think there are a lot of crappy movies out there.

On the other hand, having the Academy vote on ten films does allow the academy members to select movies from a larger variety of genres. For example, Man on Wire, which was an amazing film from last year could have potentially been nominated had the limit not been in place. Other movies could have been Wall-E, Changeling, Tropic Thunder (that was not recommended by me!), and lots of others.

Could this be the year that the Oscar goes to a comedy? How about a Sci-Fi film? Documentary? Only time will tell.

As for this years crop of films so far, I have my heart set on seeing a movie like Up take home a best picture Oscar. I've also heard that a film called The Cove, coming out this summer is supposed to be amazing.

The Stench of a Woman

I hate your perfume.  Yes, I know it is probably expensive and has a French name with a rather delicate flower on the label. I know the bottle is crystal and that you feel womanly and sexy when you put it on, but I will say it again, I fricking hate your perfume.

Whenever I step into an elevator with you, I feel like my skull is going to explode because your fricking expensive French perfume stinks to high hell. Not only this, you usually don't have the good sense to use it wisely, with discretion. ie, a little bit at a time. No, instead, you dowse your whole entire body with the she-ite as if you are ready to go into a chemical warfare battle.

You may believe the bs stories you hear from the advertising agencies about the nice smell attracting nice men because of the hidden pheromones in the perfume or maybe you're just young and don't know any better, but believe me when I say this, nine times out of ten you are not impressing anyone and I do mean ANYONE with the 'stench of a woman". More than likely, people will think you are trying to mask your natural odor (more than likely because you failed to bathe) with a fake one.

So, I would like to advise you, as one woman to another, spend your money on another possibly useless beauty product instead because you are polluting the very air I breathe every single day. Think of it perhaps as you would think of second-hand smoke, if you are going to wear it, do so in the privacy of your own home.

Another Republican Sex Scandal

Location: South Carolina The "Offender": GOP Governor: Mr. Sanford The Location of Said Affair: Argentina, because the Good Governor wanted a  more exotic location for his  little "tryst".

The Governor of South Carolina decided to take some time off. The bad thing is that he didn't tell anyone where he was. His wife couldn't find him. His aides had no idea where he was either. Then the word came out: Governor Sanford was hiking the Appalachian Trail. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Not a problem they thought, except that Governor Sanford was not hiking the Appalachian Trail- he was in Argentina having an affair with an Argentinian "friend" that he had known for 8 years.

When the word came out, the proverbial shi-ite hit the proverbial fan. The Dems took offense, saying he had left South Carolina to the wolves basically. Senator Knotts said, "There was nobody in a position to make a decision on homeland security or if there were a prison riot or something of that nature." Not a word as of yet whether his wife is standing by him. (She was apparently not concerned at all that she could not get ahold of him on Father's Day, but I am thinking that perhaps her children were.)

For a relatively small state, Governor Sanford has been in a pretty high-profile position since Obama took office. He wanted, for example, to refuse the stimulus spending for his state, and wrote an opinion essay for the Wall Street Journal entitled "Don't Bail Out My State". He later took the money (when forced to do so) on behalf of the state. Personally, I think the title of his essay is perhaps a little ironic because he seems to be in need of literal "bailing out" now as it appears that his time as Governor is fast becoming a "sinking ship".

I love a good scandal. Especially when it involves foreign travel, deception, and lies. Even better is when it involves a conservative Republican because the "perpetrator" (and yes I know that having an affair is not a crime) is more than likely a hypocrite as well. That said, I wish that Governor Sanford would have been in the same amount of trouble for making a mockery of the people of his state by trying to refuse money to help them during the financial crisis. We have got to get our priorities in order. We have to weed out not only the politicians who are cheating on their wives, but politicians who are not truly taking care of their constituents.

Are Food Corporations Manipulating our Food?

In New and Creepy Food Information you Probably Didn't Want to Know....

Dr. Kessler (you may recognize his name as the former FDA chief who had the cajones necessary to take on big tobacco) was inspired enough by his failure to NOT eat chocolate chip cookies on impulse enough to write a book about it: "The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite".  In his book, Dr. Kessler examines the reasons for our own impulse eating.

According to the NYT review of the book, Dr. Kessler believes: 

"by combining fats, sugar and salt in innumerable ways, food makers have essentially tapped into the brain’s reward system, creating a feedback loop that stimulates our desire to eat and leaves us wanting more and more even when we’re full."

The idea isn't that the food giants are smart enough to understand the neuro-chemistry behind the magical mixtures of ingredients, but that they know how to maximize eating pleasure with minimal chewing. Huh? Are we now reduced to the cows of yesteryear happily grazing? (Yes, I realize they chewed longer, but I feel as if we are being manipulated too much.) How disgusting is that? I thought it was bad when large tobacco manipulated the nicotine levels to ensure addiction, but it seems to be happening again, only in an area that affects the entire population: our food!

Is this the real reason that obesity rates have been climbing? Not because we the American population are getting dumber, but instead because the corporations which rule the food industry are getting that much more insidious about their techniques to trick us into thinking we are getting well-fed. In the past, Americans just had to contend with blatant advertising and now we have to deal with the effects of food manipulation and even more advertising. 

In his book, Dr. Kessler offers some advice for those struggling with food addictions. One piece of advice that struck me in particular was his idea of giving ourselves negative associations with things like candy and chain-restaurant food, much the same way many people kicked their cigarette habits by giving cigarettes associations. Perhaps a scale would work well for this? This is something that is good in theory, but way more difficult in practice. As I type, I am thinking I need a blogging-break and that there is a nice convenience store that just might have those little bites of satisfaction that I need......

Perhaps a Snickers tax is the way to go. Or banning the sale of Snickers to minors. Or one step further, closing down every restaurant serving crappy specially-manipulated food......what's needed for sure is for Americans to start recognizing that the monolithic food industry does not have their best interests at heart and that it is time to start recognizing how food interacts with our bodies.

Ten Skills to Master by the End of the World 12/21/12

December 21, 2012 is less than two and a half years from now. Some say that this could be the end of the world due to certain prophecies fortold by the Mayans, the i Ching, and an Oracle at Delphi. Regardless of whether you buy in to the conspiracy theories or end of days armageddon doomsday theories, more than likely it will be impossible for the media to quell a quasi-panic similar to that of the Y2K scare. Unfortunately, if the end of the world doesn't happen, we may have to deal with panic on the streets, rioting, looting, raping, pillaging and god only knows what other kind of atrocities freaked out suburbanites may commit.

In the next two and a half years, what do you plan to do to prepare yourself for what could happen? Do you have the skills that it's going to take to survive in a chaotic cataclysmic world?  Think computer programming skills going to get you through a magnetic pole reversal? Think again. Think trading on wall street is going to be a skill needed when the aliens invade and destroy? Think again. The following are examples of the areas you will want to gain expertise in, the people you will want to emulate, and the things you will need to invest in if you plan on fighting for the future.

10)Survival Skills

First and foremost, basic survival skills are a must. Everything from building a sill and turning your urine into water, to the proper way to amputate your own arm if the occassion occurs. Do you have what it takes to survive in the wild anarchic unknown?

One man comes to mind when it comes to being prepared for survival. Survivor Man.

Watch and learn...

Where to get training:
Alderleaf Wilderness College

Earth Connection School of Wilderness

Recommended reading: 

9)Hunting and Weaponry
In times of a crisis, eating is imperative to sustaining onself. Even PETA members have the survival gene inside of them, and if hungry enough, may need to hunt to save themselves. Regardless on your view of killing, meat=eat, and nothing says hunting and guns like Ted Nugent.
Where to get training:

Recommended reading:

8)Building things
One of the most amazing things about building stuff is the feeling of accomplishment once you have finished. Being a MacGuyver isn't always an inherent skill. More often than not it requires a lot of tinkering and a lot of failure, and ultimately a lot of success.

Where to get training:

Recommended reading: 

7)First Aid
So maybe blood grosses you out, but what are you going to do if you or someone close to you is in desperate need of basic medical attention, and you don't know how to provide it? If Kate could stitch Jack up after surviving a plane crash and watching people perish ala Lost, you can do it too!

Recommended reading: 

One thing tells me that Paris Hilton and Heidi and Spencer wouldn't survive a minute after a calamity. I have a hard time believing those type of people could rough it off the grid and camp under undesirable circumstances. Camping may be fun and games for kids, but if you have to flee your home and protect yourself out in mother nature, make sure you're prepared....not only with the correct gear, but with all the mad camping skills you can muster.

Recommended reading: 

Now that times are tough in this economy, food is getting expensive. If the world comes to an end and everyone is fending for themselves, think about how important you could be to your community if you were the gardening expert. Planting seeds and harvesting isn't a difficult job, if you have the knowhow and basic information on how to get the job done. Just ask Michelle Obama!

Then take a look at Garden Rant, a really interesting blog that seems to be trying to create a paradigm shift and changing people's perceptions of planting, Tiny Farm Blog, and

Recommended reading:

Not only are cooking skills great for keeping you alive in a crisis, but they'll come in handy when you can entertain your enemies with a good dish of delectable food. It's pretty easy nowadays to get some easy cooking training. Just turn your TV on to Food Network or Bravo. While foodies may be living the high life now, when electricity fails, you'll have to fall back on the cooking skills you learned from camping. Until then, here's some reading to satisfy your appetite.

Recommended reading:

Apparently there's this theory out there called "global warming" and it proposes that humans are causing the temperature of the Earth to rise. If that happens, it is a possibility that the sea levels will rise and people living in the midwest could have ocean front property. Now, it may not become Waterworld, but swimming may play a vital role in survival in the future. Maybe Michael Phelps won't be able to give you private lessons, but learning how to swim could be the best thing to do this year.

Recommended reading:

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Quid pro quo. Call it what you will, bartering is one of the oldest tricks in the book to get what you want cheaply and efficiently. Whether you're a good cook (see skill number 4) or gardener (skill 5), or maybe you can build someone a new lean-to. Whatever your skill may be, someone out there needs it, and may have something to trade you. Now, gone will be the days of bartering your PSP for a new Wii game. No, now you will be bartering hours of hard labor for a few measly beans. I'd learn some skills....quick! ..and I don't mean web design.

Want to start bartering with your current company?

Recommended reading:

You got it! The most important skill for survival into and beyond the 21st century is procreation. You have to get good at finding a mate and making babies. Otherwise we are doomed for extinction. Sure, it'll be a lot easier to hook up with someone when Rapture has happened.... the odds will be good you'll find someone left behind for you. I mean, think of the pickup line possibilities "Hey Baby, want to help me carry on the human race?".... priceless.

Where to get training: your local pub.

Recommended reading:

16 Years Ago Today, Lorena Bobbitt Went Down in History

Has it already been 16 years since Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband’s penis?  On June 23, 1993 John Wayne Bobbitt had come home to his apartment in Manassas, Virginia after a night out partying and drinking.  When he came home it was said that he had raped his wife, Lorena Bobbitt.  After he allegedly raped her (which he was tried and acquitted for spousal rape in 1994), she went to the kitchen to get some water and saw a knife.  She snapped after several years of physical and mental abuse as well as the alleged rape that just happened, she took the knife, went back into the room where John had been sleeping (and intoxicated) and cut off his penis.  She then left the house, drove around with the knife and the penis and then threw the penis in a field.  She realized the severity of her actions and quickly called 911 telling them what she had done.  Police found the penis in the field, put it on ice and rushed it to the hospital with John.  Nine hours of surgery later, Dr. David Berman had re-attached John’s penis.

After going to trial in 1994, Lorena was found “not guilty” due to insanity causing an irresistible impulse to sexually wound her husband.  Under state law, Lorena could not be held liable for her actions, but she was sentenced to undergo a 45-day evaluation at a mental hospital, to which she could be released after the 45 days were up.  Soon after the trail, the two had filed for divorce and were divorced in 1995, after six years of marriage.

This case has sparked a huge riot with women groups and feminists all over the country.  They would rally around Lorena stating that the continuous abuse from her husband forced her to defend herself, although in an unusual and violent manner.  This case also sparked tons of jokes, t-shirt slogans and even an urban legend that Lorena died in a car accident, “some prick cut her off”.  Rappers also used Lorena Bobbitt in several of their songs, including one that appeared on the 8 Mile soundtrack.

Some thoughts: When can someone actually accuse their spouse of rape, it sounds odd because once you are in a committed relationship or marriage, sex is pretty much an obvious thing, yet it still does need to be consensual by both.  Did Lorena go too far when she cut off her husband, John’s penis or was that a cry for help that was needed?  I mean, it was sewn back on, although I am not sure how useful it was after the surgery.  How many people out there feel the same as Lorena, but are afraid to come forward or are just living with the abuse, embarrassed to accuse their partner of spousal rape?  I would assume that a marriage would have to be over anyway if one partner feels that they are being raped by the other, when sex is no longer mutual or consensual in a marriage.

On This Day in History – June 22, 1940, the First Dairy Queen Opens Up

On this day in history, the very first Dairy Queen store opened in Joliet, Illinois.  Dairy Queen was first introduced to customers (before they were called Dairy Queen) back in 1938 where a father and son (John & Alex McCullough) who owned a mix plant business in Green River, Illinois had been experimenting with a soft serve dairy product.  In August of 1938, they had a $.10 sample sale of this new soft serve product at their friend, Sherb Noble’s walk in ice cream shop.  Within two hours, Noble dished out over 1,600 servings of this new ice cream treat.  Since this new ice cream was such a hit, John and Alex decided to name it the “dairy queen”.

The original Dairy Queen is still located at 501 N Chicago Street in Joliet, Illinois, but it is no longer operational.  Today, the largest Dairy Queen franchise is located in Texas.  Dairy Queen has over 5,600 stores worldwide.

Dairy Queen become one of the first pioneers for franchised food stores with 10 stores in 1941, expanding to 100 stores by 1947 and 1,446 stores by 1950 with another increase to 2,600 stores by 1955.

Diary Queen has always been well known for holding parties (especially with their delicious ice cream cakes), the place where sports teams go to cool off after a winning game, Corporate functions have been held (mainly in Texas) and all around family nights.  Their motto is – Satisfied customers lead to successful restaurants.

Since the economy has taken a slight downturn in 2008 and 2009, several Dairy Queen stores have gone out of business, but Texas still holds the highest spot for most Dairy Queens in the United States.


Chris Brown Pleads Guilty in Rihanna Case

After four months of speculation and criticism, Chris Brown finally pleaded guilty in the assault case against singer and ex-girlfriend, Rihanna.  Chris Brown allegedly beat up Rihanna after a pre-Grammy’s party on February 8th, 2009 over a text message that Brown had received.  Rihanna called Brown out on the text message and Brown went off on Rihanna, physically.  There were pictures out of Rihanna’s bruised face and it was confirmed that night that she was indeed in the hospital when she was supposed to be at the Grammy’s performing, as well as Brown.  After Brown had allegedly beat Rihanna, he took off while she called 911 for help.  Hours after the incident, Brown was charged with a felony assault.

Brown, before his trial today (Monday, June 22, 2009), bargained for a plea deal

if he pleaded guilty, so he could bypass going to prison for what was thought of five years.  Chris Brown pleaded guilty to one count of felony assault to the pop star, Rihanna.  The judge was quoted with saying, “I think it’s commendable you took responsibility for your conduct.”

Chris Brown will be sentenced on August 5th with the terms of his plea deal: five years of formal probation and six months (1,400 hours) of community labor (including, but not limited to graffiti removal and roadside cleanup) which he must complete in his home town of Virginia.  On top of that, Brown and Rihanna both have orders from the court to stay at least 50 yards away from each other at all times, and 10 yards away when involving the entertainment industry.  Both Brown and Rihanna accepted what the court had offered and neither had to testify in court today.

I am glad that Chris Brown FINALLY admitted to beating Rihanna after months and months of denying it, but it is very irritating that he will serve no jail time.  His lawyer said his plea deal is what the average person with no prior criminal record would get.  I understand there are instances for first time abusers, but he literally beat her and badly!  So badly that she could not leave the house for weeks until her swelling and bruising went down.  By Chris Brown getting off this easy, it gives the possibility for teenagers that look up to Chris to think that it is ok if you happen to slip up and beat your girlfriend, when it is absolutely not okay, at all.  Most kids when questioned if they thought what Chris Brown did was right, said no, and a lot of them did not want to see or listen to his music after he hurt Rihanna, but there are still the teenagers out there who think that is okay.

Will Chris Brown really learn his lesson with only really having to suffer with community service?  I can see how it may be embarrassing, especially back in your home town, where people really look up to you, and I hope the paparazzi take pictures and blast it all over the internet, but seriously, will he learn from this?  I understand that he is “sorry”, but I only think he is “sorry” because this whole incident hurt his career.  I honestly think he should serve, if nothing else, a month in jail to see what life is really like when you beat someone.

Laura Bush' book on Masturbation- Too Good to Be True?

Years ago, I was teased by a satirical article depicting a Tom Cruise sex toy (be careful- NSFW), but today's torment is even worse because it involves the Bushes. The has a fantastic review of Laura Bush's new book, "Pleasures of Masturbation".  (It's a credit to the writer that he didn't make any puns about her last name...) "Pleasures of Masturbation" is  the perfect fake title for a fake book for the wife of an ex-president who many considered to be a fake-president during his first term.

(Why oh why must reality get in my way of the enjoyment of this story and why wasn't I smart enough to think of it myself?)

The article about the fake book has two great fake quotes from the First Lady herself. About her husband (you know him, the cocky guy): When you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, one's sexual performance may suffer......

About her "approach" to the new topic of masturbation:  While I absolutely adore children and children's literature, I also adore masturbation........

I'm delighted to hear she enjoys the beauty of self-pleasure. And, if George's sexual performance indeed suffered that could be the reason for his insistence on abstinence-only education. And it is also nice to imagine that Laura is "branching out" and getting herself some new hobbies now that she is no longer First Lady. With all of the current sex scandals  involving men, it's nice to have a Fake Book by a real lady talking about the real issues women face. Imagine if Laura (albeit the more Fake open-minded Laura that I like to imagine) had palled around with Bristol....what a mentor she could have been. Alas, twas not to be.
