I have a confession to make. My favorite sports team is the New York Yankees. I don't care much for New York. I just love the Yankees. I always have. I always will. I became a Yankee fan when I was a kid. I live in DC. I wouldn't give two cents for the Nationals, that is a long story. I wouldn't go to a National's game, unless I was paid, and I wouldn't accept anything less than a thousand dollars in cash to sit through a game. I wouldn't wear one of their caps, or t-shirts, or anything of theirs for a million dollars.
I became a Yankee fan while watching them on TV. How do I explain it? I love watching winners and stars, and folks who should win, and who act like they should win, even when they don't, and not for not trying. I like people who look like winners and act like winners. I like people, who when I see them, on the street, I immediately think, "there's a winner." I like the Yankee organization. I like George Steinbrenner, who for all those years was running things by himself. I know I'm not suppose to like George Steinbrenner, but I do.
Keep going, Yankees. You are the kings of baseball. You are always looking good, with your winning selves