Man Speaks Out After Shark Attack -- Ouch?

Man Speaks Out After Shark Attack -- Ouch?

Item -- "Florida Man Speaks Out After Shark Attack," Associated Press -- May 13, 2010 -- "A Florida marine researcher is now telling his harrowing story of how he survived being bitten by a lemon shark. The attack happened two weeks ago, but the evidence remains quite visible." See video.

Dude is a what? A  marine scientist?  He was where? In a boat. And he did what? He leaned over to take measurement of a shark. Okay, lemon shark -- Is that like in lemon flavoring?. Does that adjective "lemon" suppose to make the shark less a shark? Maybe somebody thought they were dealing with a cartoon shark, but then life would be a cartoon, and it is not. Oh? So he says he's been doing this kind of thing for six years? That he's been in situations where there have been lots of sharks around? So this is the first time one of them took him for lunch? He says he's going to do it again -- keep working with sharks because he likes working with them. Doesn't that sound lame? He might like working with sharks, but do they like working with him?