A British actress, Charlotte Lewis, is claiming that rascal Roman Polanski sexually abused her. In her words “in the worst possible way,” when she was 16-years-old. She says she is coming forward with this claim because Polanski has to be held accountable See the video.
We are living in an era of outrage, when one outrageous thing happens after another. The child sex scandal and the cover-up by officials of the Catholic church is just one example. This and other things, including the world financial meltdown and the crisis that followed, and the bail-out of the ones who caused the crisis, and the very real notion that the rich are forever walking on the backs of the middle class -- these things have cooked Mr. Polanski's goose. Folks are just sick and tired of rich and protected people getting away with stuff. But Ms. Lewis's claims may cause some people to show some sympathy for Polanski.
Ms. Lewis at sixteen, in Paris, living in the apartment of a man, who is a fugitive from American justice, who has pled guilty to the crime of carnal knowledge with a 13 year old, whom he got drunk and drugged --Four years later, Ms. Lewis in his apartment, in Paris, where sixteen is a legal age for sexual consent -- Ms. Lewis who went on to appear in his film -- Ms. Lewis? Where were her parents or guardians? Mr. Polanski case was world news. And then, so many years later, Ms. Lewis pops on the scene with Gloria Allred? What's the motivation? Justice or money?
Polanski is a jerk. That 13 year old probably wasn't the only child he raped, and he needs to be brought to justice. Ms. Lewis is a distraction.