Q: Why does the creation of this baby robot looks like an important development?
A: I watched the video. The scientists look like serious people. Are they out to replace us humans with robots?
A2: No. The scientists say the robot will help them understand how humans grow, they hope.
Q:Then, the robots will take over?
A:Yes, and no. The robots will take over the work humans don't want to do. Robots will be able to do many of the repetitive factory jobs.
Q: Aren't robot doing that now? Non-human looking robots, robots who -- I mean -- that look like the machines, that they are?
A: The human looking robots will be made smarter. They will look smarter too, and work smarter.
Q: Then they are going to take over?
Well, here in the USA, while the scientists in Japan are building these baby robots, which may or may not one day learn how to take over, we are building smart bombs and rockets.
Q: For war and destruction, right?
A: For defense.
Q: So, we won't leave anything for the baby robots to take over?