Ban unruly children, unruly parents, unruly people in general. Why would any parent want to bring their screaming child into a restaurant and embarrass herself? Unless she can't be embarrassed? Okay, why would a responsible parent want to bring her screaming child into a restaurant and disturb the patrons with the noise?
Some parents are so clueless that they can't see the point. All they see are their needs, and so they bring their unruly kids into public spaces to share the misery of listening to a screaming child.
Another thing-- A few years back when the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King came out, I went to the midnight show, on a school night, to avoid teenagers. and their noise. I wanted to enjoy the movie. Well, the theater was packed and free of teenagers, but there were two young mothers. One had an infant. The other had three children under four years old. And did those kids make the normal noises kids make, when confined to the small space of a movie seat for two plus hours? They did. Man, they did.
Mothers shouldn't bring their little babies to the movies. Little babies are gonna cry when they want something, and little toddlers are going to get cranky and whine when they get tired or bored.