Half Of Women Have Bad Sex - Survey
So what else is news? Not this. A new survey is out with old news. Those who conducted the survey issued the underwhelming results: "Half of Women Have Bad Sex."
Last night on their show The Young Turks devoted time to this survey, Right. See the video.
Yesterday, everybody had sex on their mind. Well, that isn't anything new either. The Huffington Post ran article on the new sex survey that is supposed to answer the " how sex has changed in the last 20 years?"
Quote the Huffington Post --"The most comprehensive U.S. study on sexual health and behavior in two decades sought to shed some light on the traditionally mysterious topic. (Huh, huh? Mysterious to whom?) The mission of the study was to determine educated generalizations about the sexual activities of the population and thus advance the sexual health of the nation. Nearly 6,000 participants ages 14 to 92 were surveyed using Knowledge Networks, an online research company commonly used for national studies including government polling. The lead researchers -- from Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion, Indiana University School of Medical ... This study was sponsored by Church & Dwight Co., the maker of Trojan brand condoms -- "
Stop right there. Right! Trojan condoms have a vested interest in filling the already crowded with sex surveys net with more surveys about sex
So we get another study about stuff, we know about and hear about all the time.