March 2011

Mickey Rooney Testifies Against Elder Abuse

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Hollywood legend, the ninety year old actor, Mickey Rooney, came to Washington to testify before a special Senate committee considering legislation to curb the very serious problem of elder abuse. Mr Rooney testified that elder abuse comes in various forms, including physical and emotional.

Mr Rooney revealed that he was a victim of elder abuse, abused by a member of his own family. "I felt trapped, scared, used and frustrated, But above all, when a man feels helpless, it's terrible."

Another Crazy Preacher Brings Himself Down?

Rev.Grant Storms: Hypocrite Of the Week?

The so-called Reverend, Mr. Grant Storms, the out of context, Bible mis-quoting, fundamentalist, so-called Christian preacher, who railed against others, smearing others with spit balls of slime from his self-righteous mouth, got busted for dillying and dallying with his willy, in a public place, near a playground full of children.


Jane Russell, R.I.P

Jane Russell was the brunette to Marilyn Monroe's blonde, and as in their movie together, 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,' America prefers? Marilyn? Remembers Marilyn. Marilyn exited early, and maybe that added to her legend. Marilyn's departure was tragic, and maybe that lifted her to a higher height? Into the ranks of a cultural goddess?

Jane Russell was America's beauty queen of the 1940s, and shared the crown with her rival, Marilyn Monroe, in the 1950s. Jane Russell was one of Hollywood's biggest stars of the 1940s and '50s. She died yesterday, Monday, after respiratory problems. She was 89.
