The Young Turks took a look at the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Miss. Kate Middleton and asked the question many have been asking all along: 'Who cares?' See the video.
If one is a Brit, he has a reason to care. William Windsor maybe be a future head of state of his country. If one is Canadian, same reason. If one is from a country that is a member of the Commonwealth, young Mr. Windsor may some day be head of the Commonwealth.
To Americans, I would think enough is enough. The American press has gone GaGa; as if Lady GaGa is getting married. The girl is an American. So that wouldn't be too bad. From the coverage the event is getting in this country, one would think Charlie Sheen has assembled the media's attention to make another of his pointless points. Charlie is one of us, and his stuff is from from his soul, and what he says isn't as stupid as some of the news about Britain's royal wedding.
We have our own people who have little to say worth listening to, but they are ours. I would take news and or gossip about Sarah Palin over that English girl Kate, and the Donald, like in Donald Trump, over William of Britain?
Why would any American patriot care what British royals do?
Greetings, fellow West Prusetanians! We here at the National Newsletter Service are overjoyed that you have decided to purchase this most recent update about your beloved royal family. As always, the NNS has dedicated its most astute investigative journalists to produce a newsletter of unparalleled accuracy and access to even the highest halls of our country's leadership. Without further ado, here's what our heads of state have been up to recently.
King Bertrand Wrothead III has been busy planning the victory parade for East Prusetania's inevitable defeat at the hands of our very capable army. Though the war has been raging for ten glorious years, it is the will of the King that our noble soldiers get a much-deserved rest and that the people of East Prusetania be given a period of recovery after such an extensive campaign of shame and loss. Fear not, King Bertrand has assured us that there is absolutely no chance that the Eastern dogs will use this gap in hostilities to launch their own assault. If they could not break our lines in a decade of fighting, they surely will not be able to successfully cross the boarder into our great nation. The parade is still in the early stages of development, but the King has indicated that at least seven elephants will be involved.
Queen Constance is adjusting to married life quite well. She reports that the royal palace already feels like home despite the fact that she grew up in the modest Vegetable District of our grand capitol. When asked whether or not she feels uneasy about the significant difference in age between the King and herself, her 19-year-old eyes glimmered and she said that the years of experience she lacks compared to our generous monarch are of no concern when love abounds.
Princess Grace continues to launch flaming marble busts of Queen Constance from the window of her suite in the palace, an act the Royal Guard assures us is another one of her performance art projects and not, as Grace has previously stated, an expression of anger and rebellion at being forced to bow to a mother who is seven years younger than her.
Duke Emmerich Wrothead sends his regards from his villa on the coast where he has captured and/or killed a record number of freshwater whales. The harpoons he uses will be available at a charity auction next month.
Congratulations to Prince Nathaniel on the recent conquest of his 100th lover. Emily Kiliver of West Prusetania Boarding School had the honor of sullying the sheets of the princely bed as 99 maidens, matrons, young huntsmen and a variety of foreign-born palace servants have before her. For her contribution to this landmark occasion, Ms. Kiliver was awarded a delightful balloon arrangement and a gift certificate to the Imperial Theatre for a show in the upcoming season.
Brownie the Wrothead family hound has been granted a stay of execution for his attempt to commit treason against the nation by relieving himself upon a carpet depicting the flag of West Prusetania. The King's counsel deemed the difference between an actual flag and a woven depiction of the flag sufficient to justify exile rather than death. Brownie shall be escorted to the northern boarder and handed over to the same mercenaries who currently care for the disgraced former queen, Abigail.
You might remember Knut, the polar bear cub born in captivity at the Berlin Zoo in 2006, rejected by his mother and hand-raised by zookeeper and devoted handler, Thomas Dorflein.
Chris Brown said that he had a bad morning on Tuesday, the day he went emotional and trashed the ABC News show "Good Morning America" dressing room and smashed a window, after the co-host Robin Roberts repeatedly, grilled him about the 2009 domestic violence incident with his then-girlfriend, Rihanna. Chris Brown said that for his outburst,, he's very sorry.
Chris Brown made the apology Wednesday on the BET music video countdown show, "106 & Park."
Chris Brown said, "First of all, I want to apologize to anybody who was startled in the office, or anybody who was offended or really looked, and (was) disappointed at my actions, Because I'm disappointed in the way I acted. I felt like they told us this just so they could get us on the show, so they can exploit me, So I took it very, very hard and I really kinda kept my composure throughout the whole interview, although you can see me upset. I kept my composure, I did my performance. And when I got back I just let off steam. I didn't physically hurt anyone. I didn't try to hurt anyone. I just wanted to release the anger that I had inside me, because I felt that I worked so hard for this music, and I felt like people kept just trying to take it away from me."
Donald Trump for President? Please, he makes Sarah Palin look good. He makes the Koch Brothers seem like okay dudes. He has more baggage than Paris Hilton. Yesterday, Wednesday morning, he dropped by on the ABC "The View," to chat up the ladies of show about his views on his possible run for President, on the Republican line. Huh? Huh?
Why was the Donald on "The View?" Really? He came out like a sit down, stand-up, comic guy, telling political jokes which were dead pan jokes, but not meant to be funny, but serious stuff about what is wrong and what needs to be fixed. He did this opening to show that he is profound? I kept thinking: 'The Donald, where's the punch line? The Donald?'
The Donald came across as a tough New York wise guy who says he has a heart. Yeah, right?
He said America is in trouble because everybody is taking advantage of her. He wants to stop this, by charging everybody for all this good stuff we do for them. He wants to sell the protection of USA troops to places like Korea,, as if the President is the big boss in charge of a protection racket. What? The Donald would turn our troops into Hessian mercenaries.
And he says he is a social liberal and he thinks he can win the GOP nomination? He cites unnamed polls which says he can? The Donald, dream on.
And then he got right down there in the dirt of politics, got his knees dirty The Donald pandered to the birthers to cover his social liberal past? Mr. D is smart enough to know the birther stuff is nonsense. He repeats a line that has been refuted and he knows it, if he reads articles in which his name appears. He claims that nobody remembers President Obama as a boy in Hawaii, which is not true. Several persons, including the current state governor remembers him and his family. The Donald is smart enough to know that the US security services have checked the man's birth certificate. And the man, Mr. Obama, has shown his birth certificate.
Whoopi Goldberg, a co-host of the show, an old pal of the Donald before he revealed what had been a closely kept secret, that he, the Donald, is a Republican, called out the Donald on the Donald's the birther rant, said his birther BS is the biggest pile of dog mess she has heard in her life.
After two thirds of the way into the interview, Donald Trump got on a subject suitable for his talents, 'Celebrity Apprentice," a so-called reality TV show that the Donald hosts The Donald became charming, and entertaining and fluffy. The Donald should stick with reality TV shows, he does them better than he does politics, and for that matter, if you would ask many of his past investors, he does reality TV much better than he does real estate.
She was a beauty in her time. She defined beauty. She was the beautiful woman. She defined glamor. She was the role model for celebrity. She was a great actress. Check out "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", "Butterfield 8," "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" and "Suddenly, Last Summer." She was Elizabeth Taylor, super star, one of those bigger than life persons who was a dominate force in popular culture of the 1950s and mid-1960s. She made good films, but became more famous than her films. She became who she was Elizabeth Taylor, personality, celebrity, rich, and interesting for being Elizabeth Taylor.
She was an American icon. News? Gossip about her life, and her romances, and her marriages sucked up more than her share of the space of the fan magazines of her era. She and the man whom she called the love of her life, Richard Burton, may be forever listed among the most romantic couples of history and of literature. She began making films at age nine, made more than fifty movies, had a public career of over seventy years. She died this morning,Wednesday in a Los Angeles hospital . She was seventy nine years old..
Elizabeth Taylor lived a good life. She had a successful career. She made money and she gave back in humanitarian work .In 1993, for her advocacy for AIDS research and for other humanitarian work, she received a special Oscar, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, in her acceptance speech she said, "I call upon you to draw from the depths of your being - to prove that we are a human race, to prove that our love outweighs our need to hate, that our compassion is more compelling than our need to blame."
I remember her work well. I saw many of her movies. Followed her life on televisions. Watched her on TV handing out the best picture Oscar at the Academy awards. For years she defined what a movie star is supposed to be. Elizabeth Taylor, R.I.P.
In Las Vegas, David Schubert, a drug busting deputy DA, in the Republican Clark County prosecutor office, was busted, charged with possession of cocaine and conspiracy to violate the narcotics of the state of Nevada . This guy is famous for prosecuting Paris Hilton and her boyfriend on cocaine.
Paris Hilton did cop a plea and walk didn't she?
But he has a reputation as being an iron pants prosecutor who love to send drug offenders to jail. He was a member of the state and federal anti-drugs task force.
Anyway, this DA was paying a drug dealer several times a week to buy cocaine for him. He got busted with drugs in his vehicle, came under suspicion for picking up a suspicious person, who proved to be a drug dealer, in a zone known for drug dealing.
Well, what happened, happened in Vegas, sin city, the biggest city in a shady state. If crooked cops didn't happen and crooked DA's didn't happen, would it be Vegas? One can see why the city boosters want what happens in Vegas to stay in Vegas. The whole town is naughty, naughty.
But somehow, the cops didn't let this turkey walk. His boss the Clark County District Attorney, the Republican David Roger, is making noises like, allegedly, he is surprised, and is hopping mad.
"He (Schubert) is like any other alleged criminal," Roger said. "He will be prosecuted and held accountable just like anyone else."
So what happened with Chris Brown? Yesterday, Tuesday morning, Chris Brown out promoting his new album, FAME (Forgiving All My Enemies). went on the ABC morning show, Good Morning America, and anchor Robin Roberts ambushed him? And he trashed a GMA dressing room? Broke a window with a chair? Why? He took an attitude about being asked about a past childish, stupid, brutal attack? The beat down on Rihanna.
Chris Brown has answered to a court of law for his crime against Rihanna and wants to put it behind him. And so when he was interviewed by GMA's Robin Roberts, he stomped off and acted out like a little big kid, trashing a Tv show's dressing room.
What good did that do? Well, it got people on the net talking about Good Morning America, and talking negative about Chris Brown, who had been receiving positive news coverage about his recovery from his fall from grace because of the Rihanna incident.
Now, there is no excuse for domestic violence. And the harpies of the world will chase and torment those with guilty consciouses. And if a hip hop star appears on main stream television and is not prepared for an embarrassing question or two, he is not prepared, and should avoid mainstream television interview shows. All TV shows exist to serve their own purpose, their own audience, and not a performer's whim. The Good Morning America's audience is not Chris Brown's audience. Maybe a tiny, wee, little, part of it is.
The Good Morning America's audience wants to see that young black man, Chris Brown, squirm, and it feels such pleasure to see him break and run, and would have become so pleased with themselves, if they had seen a live, on the air shot of him trashing the dressing room, and making like a beast.
The producers and the host of shows like GMA don't care about performers or about anyone, but about putting on a show that will attract and keep eyeballs watching, and will get tongues wagging, about what the eyeballs saw. GMA doesn't care if Chris Brown had served his sentence, and has been behaving himself, and that the Rihanna incident is old news, and that he has answered old questions about it, over and over again. They don't care if he wants / wanted to move on. Capturing Chris Brown snapping was a Tv ratings type plus for them. They sent the word out over the Internet. GMA is part of an inhuman media machine that seem to take pleasure in ripping apart people, celebrities particularly, but its pleasure is for business.
If Chris Brown wants to move forward in his life, he must avoid people, particularly media show people, who are trying to make him fail. And no one is perfect, but Mr. Brown's reaction, to the GMA host questions, suggests that he could use a little anger managing guidance.
What has happened to the former National Football League all-time star Lawrence Taylor is tragic. A hall of famer stumbled. He had an sexual encounter with a very street wise, sixteen year old girl prostitute, whom stated in an affidavit that Lawrence Taylor asked her of her age and she lied, said she was nineteen. Yesterday, Lawrence Taylor was sentenced to six years probation. He pled guilty to patronizing an underage prostitute.
The police were investigation the prostitute's pimp and Lawrence Taylor, who had a single encounter with the prostitute, got caught up in the investigation.
And then along came Gloria Allred, one of the most integrity challenged persons in an integrity challenged profession. Her legal judgment? If the target is rich and particularly if he is male, and if the client can somehow, by some stretch of the imagination, be dressed in victim clothes, her greedy for dollars eyes lights up and she pounces to try to take a .big bite of cash for herself. Attorney Allred? Shyster Allred? Predator Allred? is trying to turn into a villain, a man who stumbled into misfortune,
This really isn't about child prostitution, which is an evil and is a crime. Yes, Mr. Taylor thought the girl looked young so he asked about her age. She lied to him.
This is about a man who stumbled. Shall I put on my moralistic jacket and rail against prostitution? And the harm that it does to the women? And to the men, when sex becomes nothing but commerce? No, not now. It is about the Gloria Allreds of the world. They are nothing new, though they seem to be a phenomenon of 24 hour news. They do not do the good work of defending victims, but the devil's work of destroying lives for the sake of dollars.
Digital video cameras are relatively cheap these days and everyone who can afford one should not bill him or herself as a video photographer, and certainly not as an artist, or as a guy who hires himself out to take wedding pictures.
An interesting? item -- well something that makes for a teaching moment -- is on the net this morning. It is a video -- the "Worst wedding video ever?"
Clayton Bennett, a person hired to make the wedding video for a 'happy couple,' Martin and Heidi Shubrook, who live in Essex, England, in Britain, made possibly the worst wedding video possible. Instead of making a video that captures the wedding moment, a video featuring the bride, the bride's gown, the groom, the bridal party, maids of honor, the best man, the bride's family, the groom's family, the wedding cake, the kiss, the preacher, the wedding dance, and other memorable stuff, as are recorded in normal and usual wedding videos, this one shows the backs of people's heads, feet and grass, and even some people who were not at the wedding.
The happy couple, understandably unhappy, with the awful video took the video photographer to court. Yes, they received a money judgment, But is that compensation?
And who would do such a thing to a couple on their wedding day? An incompetent con man? The man was hired to do the job for 350 British pounds, which is about 700 U.S. dollars, no small fee for a day's work. Now reportedly, the man is out of "business" and has declared himself financially bankrupt. Morally bankrupt? Well? He has a history of delivering shoddy work. It goes to show, that when the job one wants done is important, one should always get references.