Royal Wedding - Who Cares?

Royal Wedding - Who Cares?

The Young Turks took a look at the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Miss. Kate Middleton and asked the question many have been asking all along: 'Who cares?' See the video.

If one is a Brit, he has a reason to care. William Windsor maybe be a future head of state of his country. If one is Canadian, same reason. If one is from a country that is a member of the Commonwealth, young Mr. Windsor may some day be head of the Commonwealth.

To Americans, I would think enough is enough. The American press has gone GaGa; as if Lady GaGa is getting married. The girl is an American. So that wouldn't be too bad. From the coverage the event is getting in this country, one would think Charlie Sheen has assembled the media's attention to make another of his pointless points. Charlie is one of us, and his stuff is from from his soul, and what he says isn't as stupid as some of the news about Britain's royal wedding.

We have our own people who have little to say worth listening to, but they are ours. I would take news and or gossip about Sarah Palin over that English girl Kate, and the Donald, like in Donald Trump, over William of Britain?

Why would any American patriot care what British royals do?