Flying the Not-So-Friendly Skies

I recently flew on a full-price American airline and quickly came to a few conclusions about the flight that I find it necessary to share here. If you are a flight attendant or airline executive who wishes to rebut my concerns, please do so in the comment section, but don’t be surprised if I’m not too impressed with your arguments.

First and foremost, the aisles are too narrow. I was constantly bumped by the stewardesses who looked at me as if I had offended them when they pushed their carts accidentally into my arms. Larger passengers who walked by were forced into a bumper-car like situation with the seats as they struggled to get down the aisles with even the slightest bit of turbulence. The reality is that most Americans are not necessarily size 2’s and the airlines should accommodate all of their passengers in a better manner. The airlines should stop trying to pack so many people onto their flights and let Boeing know they need more space between the seats.

Secondly, the seats are too narrow. As the School House Rock video says, “Elbow room, elbow room, everybody needs some elbow room.” That’s simply not possible on an American flight. All left-handed passengers should sit next to the windows because if they sit anywhere else, there is bound to be some accidental and awkward elbowing which could result in a Michael Moore-type incident. The narrow seats also make an Pantsless Improv event on a plane highly unlikely.

Third, most of the flight attendants have been doing their jobs for so long that they are just not as nice any more. I understand that they are grandmothered or grandfathered into their jobs and are not subject to as many HWP or courtesy standards as they once were when they were first hired, but I don’t necessarily think that that is correct. I should not have to be fearful to ask my stewardess for a glass of water or an extra napkin, but I am sometimes. I’m actually more surprised when a steward or stewardess is polite than when they aren’t. (I’ve never found this to be the case on an international airline.)

Fourth,  why are we now paying for crap food on the flights? I feel like I’m supposed to kiss ass just to get a tiny little bag with three pretzels and half a can of coke- it’s rare to get an entire can of coke any more. On the flight I took, it was seven dollars for a little thing of fakish processed cheese with crackers. (On a related note, isn’t it a little weird that we have to pay to use headphones?)

So, basically, we are paying more for the privilege of being squished in next to our fellow passengers while having stewardesses complain to us about doing their jobs. I understand that flying the high skies might not be as glamorous as it sounds for the flight attendants, but please recognize the fact that it’s not all that great for the regular economy passengers either.

Lady Gaga's just cause

Item from ITN News --"Singer Lady Gaga wants the US military to ditch their policy of 'Don't ask, Don't tell' in regards to gay people." See the video.

Lady Gaga has taken up the cause for equality and justice, and for the Constitutional right of gay and lesbian Americans, who choose to serve their country in the armed forces, to be allowed to do so. She is working hard for the repeal of the military's 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy. She is holding tallies and lobbying lawmakers. And she is urging American officials to uphold the Constitution, and even to dismiss homophobic soldiers who won't accept the rights of gays to serve in the military.

From the Associated Press --"Lady Gaga railed against what she called the injustice of having goodhearted gay soldiers booted from military service while straight soldiers who harbor hatred toward gays are allowed to fight for their country. She suggested a new policy should target straight soldiers who are "uncomfortable" with gay soldiers in their midst.

"Our new law is called 'If you don't like it, go home!'" she said."

Good for her.

If Glenn Beck and the Rushster, and the other Glenn and Rush wannabes talk entertainers of right wig media, can dabble into politics, why not Lady Gaga? She has more talent than the entire bench of wing nut entertainers on the Fox News team, and many more fans.

Photographs of Gang Rape Go Viral

Less than 24 hours after an alleged gang rape in the outskirts of Vancouver, British Columbia, images and video of the attack went viral. According to Canadian police, the victim, a 16-year-old girl, was given a "date rape drug" and raped by a half-dozen men and boys at an illegal rave.

Sadly (though certainly not surprisingly), cruel comments accompanied the distribution of the photographs and videos of the attack. Like many criticisms of rape victims, comments like "she deserved it" and "she was asking for it" pepper interviews with classmates and comments on news stories. In one interview conducted by CTV News, a classmate was quoted as saying,


"We are thinking it's being over-exaggerated. I don't think she was as messed up as she's making it out to be… I don't think she was raped... Apparently she was saying stuff."

What "stuff" she was saying is unclear, but Canadian police are "fuming" at the suggestion that she "deserved to be raped". In a press conference, RCMP Cpl. Jennifer Hyland said, "Regardless of what people believe they might have seen that night, or think they might have heard, this was a rape."

Clearly, the fact that police have to reiterate over-and-over again that what took place at the rave WAS a gang rape is telling about the understanding of rape in contemporary culture. As horrible as the fact that the images and video of the rape going viral is, it still gives the viewer of these photographs and videos very clear evidence that the victim was no indeed "making up" or "exaggerating"  the attack (It's important to point out, too, that the victim did not even know the attack took place until she saw the photos on Facebook!).

Yet, still, many of the victim's classmates believe she was "asking for it". Regardless of what police officials say about the attack, even regardless of the heartbreaking images themselves, people are still quick to assume the victim wasn't really a victim at all.

What will it take to reverse the idea that rape victims "deserve it" or are "asking for it"? If this case isn't enough, it's scary to imagine what would be.

On the flip side, if you'd like to show your support for the victim, you can join this Facebook group - 6,827 fans in just a few days!


Flickr Photo by Ted Percival

Brits protesting Pope Benedict's visit

The Pope is called out in the streets of London.

With chants of "Shame, " "Criminal," "Pope Go Home," yesterday, Saturday, thousands of the good people of Britain protested in the streets of London, demonstrating against Pope Benedict 's state visit. Well done people of Britain.

Reports the ATV News Network --

Over 20,000 protesters gathered in Central London to protest against the state visit by the head of the Catholic Church. The protesters ranged from humanists/atheists to gay rights campaigners, sexual health campaigners, women rights campaigners and others who have issues with the teachings of the Pope

The Pope has been conducting a controversial State visit in the UK over the weekend but on the eve of his visit one of his closest advisers criticized the UK and called it a "third world country". The Pope himself has also sparked some controversy during the course of his visit by comparing secularism and atheism to Fascism.

A multitude of banners attacking the Pope on various issues such as his anti-contraception stance were part of the protest. The Pope sparked anger amongst some when he ludicrously claimed that wide-spread use of Condoms would actually make the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa worse. The Pope also claimed that gay marriage was a threat to society and homosexuality a threat to the survival of the human race - these views have not made the Pope popular but not just in the UK but also around the world. The abuse scandals within the Catholic Church also continue to rock it with allegations that Pope Benedict XVI may have covered up some cases.

This pope is a truth challenged hypocrite and an enabler of child sex abusers and rapists. The government of the United Kingdom should be ashamed of itself for inviting him to Britain. This man, who is called the 'Holy Father" by the members of the Catholic Church, including, mothers, fathers and children, claims he is doing all he can to prevent more children from being abused. If that was true, he would have removed all the abusers and those, including himself, who covered up the abuse. He would have even done better than that, by leading a march of the abusers and the enablers, including himself, to jail, where they and he belong.

Paris Hilton Gets A Break, Another One

Paris Hilton and the Vegas D.A. have struck a deal: No jail time for Ms. Hilton. Just one year of probation.The Paparazzi won't get to watch another duck walk.

Clark County District Attorney David Roger said yesterday, Friday, that Ms Hilton has agreed to plead guilty Monday to two misdemeanors: drug possession and obstructing an officer .

Paris Hilton got busted Aug. 27 inside the Wynn resort, Since her arrest she's been barred for life from all Wynn Vegas hotels, though she remains welcome at the Hilton.

Vegas police "say a small plastic bag containing 0.8 grams of cocaine fell out of (Ms Hilton's) Chanel purse as she reached for a tub of lip balm in front of a police lieutenant."

Oh, careless Paris. Or is she fated to stay in trouble and in the news?

Well, what's next for Ms. Hilton? Something so that we can not forget Paris?

Lindsay Lohan: The drama doesn't stop

Item from the Associated Press --"Lindsay Lohan has failed a court-ordered drug and alcohol screening test and could face a probation violation that might throw her back in jail. A person familiar with the case confirmed the positive test results Friday." See the video.

What has it been? Six weeks? Six weeks and more Lindsay Lohan drama?


From TMZ -- TMZ broke the story that Lindsay tested positive for cocaine last week. Sources connected with the case tell us Lindsay failed another test as well -- we're told it was not for cocaine, but they would not be more specific.

And our sources say ... the tests were both conducted within a short span of each other.

Lindsay could face 30 days behind bars for each failed drug test.

Is this a case of such a talented person caught up in knuckle-headness?

From The New York Daily News -- ""It's the same old cycle of lying and denials," an insider told Us of the "Machete" star, who has been in and out of rehab four times.

Friends of Lohan seem concerned that despite all the rehabilitation and controversy, she has not broken the vicious cycle.

"Everything that she went through seems not to have changed her a bit," the pal said. "It's sad."

Sad it is indeed.

Jon Stewart To Rally On The Mall

If Fox right-wing talk show dude Glenn Beck could hold a rally featuring Sarah Palin on the mall, why can't  Comedy Central's comedy entertainers Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert do the same? They've booked  the National Mall for a rally in Washington just before the November elections.

Jon Stewart announced last night on The Daily Show, a Rally to Restore Sanity on Oct. 30. Mr. Stewart said, his rally is for "people too busy with their normal lives to go to other political rallies. We're looking for people who think shouting is annoying ... who feel that the loudest voices shouldn't be the only ones that get heard," Stewart said. "Think of our event as Woodstock, but with the nudity and drugs replaced by respectful disagreement."

Jon Stewart's comedy pal  Steven Colbert is planning  to join  with a so-called counter rally.  Mr Stewart and Mr Colbert have filed a single application for a permit to host 25,000 people on the Washington Monument grounds. I think 25, 000 may be a low figure. Mr. Stewart will  taping his show in DC that week  More info on the Rally to Restore can be found at on Mr. Stewart's web site. Check here.

Jon Stewart takes a look at the new Tea Party "stars."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tea Party Primaries - Beyond the Palin
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Alien Field Report: Bank Robbed By Several Christopher Walkens

Police Hearing

Bank Robbery

Baltimore, MD

Human Year 1998 (third iteration thereof)

Suspected Lurxan Disturbance

Earth Project Oversight Committee

On the morning of March 11th at approximately 11:15 AM, five individuals entered the First National Bank on 8th Street in Baltimore, Maryland on the Earth Project sector of North America. They had a brief exchange of words with the tellers and then exited the premises with an estimated $235,000.00 in cash and bonds. This is a recording of the presiding detective interviewing one of those tellers.

Detective: Alright. Let’s go over this one more time, Ms. Daily.


Daily: I’ve already told you three times.


Det: Then you won’t mind telling me again.


Daily: Fine. (a pause) It was a little after 11:00. It was a slow day. Only a couple people came in since opening. I was having a Danish and talking to Suzie…


Det: Suzanne Orville?


Daily: Yes. And then they walked in, kind of in a pyramid shape.


Det: Pyramid?


Daily: Yeah. Like, one in front, two behind him, and three behind the two. A pyramid. All organized. Like they practiced.


Det: And what did you do then?


Daily: I went to the counter and got the screen saver off my computer. I didn’t notice anything until they got up close.


Det: Were they carrying any weapons?


Daily: I don’t think so. They weren’t even wearing any gloves. The one in front had a really big ring. Like a Superbowl ring.


Det: When did you notice something was wrong?


Daily: I dunno… um… the one in front said something.


Det: What was it?


Daily: I can’t… it was… hold on. I think it was something like, “Excuse me, Miss, uh, Jennifuh…”


Det: Jennifuh?


Daily: Yeah. Like Jennifer, with an accent.


Det: Continue.


Daily: He said, “That’s a… very lovely name, Jennifuh. I… recall, I once… knew a girl, huh name was… Jenny Price, she was… very beautiful. Had… heyah like… fresh strawuh… on a fahm. So, you see, Jennifuh, I take no pleasuh in what I’m about to do.”


Det: What was he referring to?


Daily: He told me he wanted all the money, "quick, like a little bunny-rabbit.”


Det: Did he threaten you?


Daily: Not really. We’re just supposed to follow procedure when that happens.


Det: Why didn’t you press the silent alarm?


Daily: I forgot.


Det: You forgot?


Daily: It was distracting.


Det: That they were all dressed like Christopher Walken?


Daily: Not dressed like. They were.


Det: I don’t understand. You said that last time and I still don’t understand. You mean impersonating?


Daily: No. They were all Christopher Walken. All five of them.


Det: That doesn’t make any sense, Ms. Daily.


Daily: That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.


Det: So, for the record, you are telling me that five Christopher Walkens entered the bank and stole a quarter of a million dollars?


Daily: I think I’m gonna be sick, detective…


(tape ends here)


Later that day, the Baltimore Police Department put out an all-points bulletin for officers to search all airports, bus stations and highways for Christopher Walken. No one matching that description was apprehended and the Federal Bureau of Investigation had verified reports that the individual suspected of being the original Christopher Walken was in San Francisco, California filming a movie. We have decided not to inform him of the robbery and track his movements. As of yet, no unauthorized vessels have been tracked leaving the planet.

Unholy Spin

Pope Benedict XVI is in Britain, shortly before his plane landed, he made a statement concerning the international scandal of widespread abuse of children by pedophile Catholic priests. He said that, "'authorities in the church have not been vigilant enough' in combating the problem." See the video.

Pope Benedict XVI is expected to be confronted on his visit to the United Kingdom by some of Britain's victims of the Catholic Church's child sexual abuse scandal. Pope Benedict XVI, when a bishop, and later a cardinal, took part in the covering up of many sex crimes against children committed by Catholic priests.

I thought that Britain has a law to keep child rapists and the rapists enablers out of their country. Huh, huh?

The US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a network of child abuse victims criticized the pope, today, Thursday, for "disingenuous" remarks on the Catholic Church's lack of vigilance on the issue of pedophile priests. Joelle Casteix, leader of SNAP, said in a statement, the pope's comments were "hurtful, not helpful." "Any Vatican action on ridding the church of abusive priests or turning them over to law enforcement has been 'virtually insignificant.' "

Joelle Casteix said in a statement, "It's disingenuous to say church officials have been slow and insufficiently vigilant in dealing with clergy sex crimes and cover-ups. On the contrary, they've been prompt and vigilant, but in concealing, not preventing, these horrors. (Bishops worldwide), continue to deliberately choose secrecy and deception over safety and honesty in child sex cases. That's the sad, simple truth."

Hmm! Maybe the good people of England will conduct a citizen's arrest and lock the pedophiles enabler up in the Tower of London? That's hoping for too much.

Edwin Newman, R.I.P.

I remember seeing Edwin Newman covering the news for NBC, doing reports on the nightly news broadcast and working the national political conventions. Edwin Newsman, was one of greats. He was a TV journalists from the era when network television news programs tried to do good job, and there was a true attempt to be fair and balanced, and to provide a public service. In those old days of TV journalism, newsmen became well respected figures. Mr. Newman was with NBC News for thirty two years, from 1952 to 1984. He died in London, England, last month, on August 13th. He was ninety-one years old.

Mr. Newman is being remembered, according to the Associated Press, for his "literacy, wit and energy. He authored the best sellers "Strictly Speaking" and "A Civil Tongue."

Long time NBC news man and former anchor Tom Brokaw said in a statement, "Ed Newman was an early role model for my generation of NBC News correspondents - worldly, erudite and droll, qualities that were enriched by his pitch perfect use of the English language. He was always a gentleman and a reassuring presence in our midst."

The impression I got from watching Edwin Newsman on the newscasts was that he talked straight and wasn't a phony, wasn't putting on, and was confident, and believable.

Edwin Newman, R.I.P.

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