Brits protesting Pope Benedict's visit

Brits protesting Pope Benedict's visit

The Pope is called out in the streets of London.

With chants of "Shame, " "Criminal," "Pope Go Home," yesterday, Saturday, thousands of the good people of Britain protested in the streets of London, demonstrating against Pope Benedict 's state visit. Well done people of Britain.

Reports the ATV News Network --

Over 20,000 protesters gathered in Central London to protest against the state visit by the head of the Catholic Church. The protesters ranged from humanists/atheists to gay rights campaigners, sexual health campaigners, women rights campaigners and others who have issues with the teachings of the Pope

The Pope has been conducting a controversial State visit in the UK over the weekend but on the eve of his visit one of his closest advisers criticized the UK and called it a "third world country". The Pope himself has also sparked some controversy during the course of his visit by comparing secularism and atheism to Fascism.

A multitude of banners attacking the Pope on various issues such as his anti-contraception stance were part of the protest. The Pope sparked anger amongst some when he ludicrously claimed that wide-spread use of Condoms would actually make the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa worse. The Pope also claimed that gay marriage was a threat to society and homosexuality a threat to the survival of the human race - these views have not made the Pope popular but not just in the UK but also around the world. The abuse scandals within the Catholic Church also continue to rock it with allegations that Pope Benedict XVI may have covered up some cases.

This pope is a truth challenged hypocrite and an enabler of child sex abusers and rapists. The government of the United Kingdom should be ashamed of itself for inviting him to Britain. This man, who is called the 'Holy Father" by the members of the Catholic Church, including, mothers, fathers and children, claims he is doing all he can to prevent more children from being abused. If that was true, he would have removed all the abusers and those, including himself, who covered up the abuse. He would have even done better than that, by leading a march of the abusers and the enablers, including himself, to jail, where they and he belong.