BP, the big oil giant, mega polluter, destroyer of the Gulf Coast eco-system, is such a sneaky bunch of characters, that when a Facebook page critical of the company, a Facebook page that calls for a boycott of the oil giant, a Facebook page that has over 700 thousand members, disappears from the net, without a warning, all fingers pointed to the BP PR machine. BP has brought off Facebook! -- so went the word across cyberspace.
Oh no, says Facebook. Our automatic robots did it. Not BP. Not us. No humans were involved. It was our automatic system.
Some bad droids? Bad robots? Whatever.
Yes, blame the automatic system. Facebook doesn't want an enormous out cry. Facebook said that once humans took a peek at the page, it was restored. It was only down a brief moment. In so many words Facebook is telling the world of the net -- Let the incident be forgotten. Besides, you conspiracy theorists, where's your proof? You have none. Just suspicions.
Well, if BP was behind the disappearing page, its little trick backfired. Because now more people know about the boycott.