Air Pollution

Air Pollution

The Post-Newsweek Stations television group is offering free air time to candidates for the upcoming 2010 election. This TV group is owned by the Washington Post Company and has broadcast stations in Florida, Texas and Michigan, in what are called battleground states, Florida and Michigan, are swing states during national elections, and Texas could be an important decider in 2012, because of its growing Hispanic vote..This year, 2010, there are important gubernatorial and congressional races. The outcome of the congressional races could determine the control of Congress.

One might think the Post company's offer of free time to the pols is deserving of civic kudos. Think of it. The Post will be polluting up its stations with political junk, and is giving fair warning to the public to avoid a foul pollution area. To most folks, free is better than paid, so a lot of the stuff that would be scattered across the broadcast air waves and the cable box will congregate in one place. A place marked to be avoided. But think further. The Free media only frees up more money for paid media, and the pols will be able to dump more junk on the other outlets, thus polluting the broadcast air waves and cramming the cable box with political spam. Thanks a lot, Washington Post Company!