NBC is under heavy fire after opting to air a Today show interview with Kris Jenner, the matriarch of the Kardashian family. Why? Because it happened on Tuesday, the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
Instead of observing a moment of silence to mark the moment the first plane struck the World Trade Center, NBC opted instead to launch right into a Today show segment with Kris Kardashian about her hit TV reality show. I was watching, and I couldn't believe it.Since when are the Kardashians more important than remembering 9/11? NBC: Fail. The network's competitors all cut away from their regular programming and went silent at the appropriate time. This is a sad commentary about the state of our society. Sure, the Kardashians are fun and silly and all that good gossipy stuff. But it's hard to ignore the screw up here. CNN, CBS, ABC's Good Morning America and FOX News all observed the solemn moment. NBC interviewed Kris Jenner, and my head nearly exploded.
Kris yapped on and on about how busy things were with finishing up the seventh season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. They discussed Kris' plastic surgery re-do. In other words, they discussed things that were typical Kardashian: breast implants.
Nothing against the Kardashians. Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are certainly mainstream stars that get lots of TV face time in interviews. But NBC's decision to air Kris Jenner's interview instead of stopping down to respectfully mark the moment the first plane hit the World Trade Center is simply inexcusable. Shame on NBC!
Is a Kardashian interview more important than a 9/11 moment of silence?
Is a Kardashian interview more important than a 9/11 moment of silence?
NBC thought so.