Body Scan Porn?

Body Scan Porn?

An item from England, in the Daily Mail newspaper is worth taking note.

"An airport security guard who made lewd comments about a female colleague's breasts after taking a 'naked' body scan of her is facing the sack. John Laker, 25, took the image at Heathrow airport after Jo Margetson walked into the machine by accident. He then said: ' I love those gigantic ****'.' Miss Margetson, 29, found the remark offensive and immediately complained to managers at BAA, which runs Heathrow, and the police. 'I can't bear to think about the body scanner thing,' she said. 'I'm totally traumatised by it. 'I've spoken to the police about it. I'm in too much of a state to go to work.' Laker - who is the first airport worker to be investigated for misusing the device - was given a police warning for harassment. (Daily Mail)

The actions of this foolish young man did not surprise me. It won't be long before lewd scanner images of celebrities begin to appear on the Internet. When that does, then what will we say? I know: The terrorists have won.

Every year we give up more and more of our personal privacy to fear.