Chupacabra-esque Greta Van Susteren Intentionally Racist?

Chupacabra-esque Greta Van Susteren Intentionally Racist?

So it looks like Fox "News" and their celebrity wine opener Greta Van Susteren are up to something fishy again. I'ts not enough to terrify the elderly on a daily basis but now they have the gall to be openly racist on the air? How hard is it to tell two completely different looking, news worthy, older African American women apart? Granted the "news" over on Fox is not journalism at its best but have somebody take a minute away from the propaganda machine to discern who is who! It is not like it was a late night mugging and you picked the wrong guy because they "all look the same" ... or is it?

In any case Greta Van Susteren and Fox "News" are racist plain and simple - they have even done this kind of thing before. Click on Greta's face to read the full story, watch a video of the "mistake", and decide for yourself. If you can't tell the difference between Sherrod and Waters maybe your a racist, too.

Also - in case you were wondering - a Chupacabra (Spanish, from chupar "to suck" and cabra "goat", literally "goat sucker") is a famous creature that has her own show on Fox - for now.