Dr. Who

Dr. Who

Dr. Who. Can't get enough of what? Who? Who? Doctor Who.

It's comic relief time in Britain, so the fans of shows get a little bit of their favorites actors and characters, doing a funny bit for charity. Dr. Who fans get a little treat from the good doctor and from his companion(s).

I am a Dr. Who fan and have been a fan from the time of the First Doctor. I caught all the old shows on my local PBS station. I've followed the doctor over the years and am up on the current doctor, play well by the actor Matt Smith.

Why am I a Doctor Who fan? Well, let me see?.

The writing is good and the acting is right on. Tom Baker was my favorite doctor for years, until David Tennant, got the part. I thought that Christopher Eccleston was a great doctor too. The writing of the revised doctor under the stewardship of Russell Davis was outstanding.

The doctor started out as an entertaining kids' show and over the years became something quite serious. But not freakin' presumptuous as to become a muddle to kids.

Also Dr Who, the character? Is probably the most nonviolent aggressive person in the history of fiction. He is a very positive fictional fella

"A special two-part mini episode with the Doctor, Amy and Rory in danger aboard the TARDIS. Doctor Who star Matt Smith materialises for a special appearance for Funny For Money." See the videos