Dr Who for Christmas?

Dr Who for Christmas?

The BBC has put on the web -- "A special preview of the 2010 Christmas special of Doctor Who, A Christmas Carol, featuring Matt Smith as the Time Lord."

The BBC promo is to get Dr. Who fans to - donate money for the BBC annual Children in Need drive that benefits disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. It's Christmas time. Yes, Christmas begins in November before Thanksgivings these days. As a Dr Who fan in America, I doubt if the good doctor would mind, if we Americans donated to an American charity helping our kids in need.

Anyway, the producers of the Dr Who series promised to make the new Doctor's adventure special and to give us fans an even special Dr. Who Christmas Special. Judging by the minute or so trailer, they just may have done just that. I'm looking forward to seeing the Christmas special and later, the second season of this new doctor.