Everybody Was Pillow Fighting ...

Everybody Was Pillow Fighting ...

Yesterday, April 3rd, was International Pillow Fight Day. Press reports say that the day was observed in a hundred and fifty cities worldwide, part of the so-called urban playground movement. The day by all reports was a great success. Street pillow fighting  is better than kungfu street fighting. No one gets hurt, no riot or SWAT team cops are called, and it makes for fun looking video.

This morning Boston Globe reports: "Hundreds of people gathered on Cambridge Common to engage in an epic pillow fight that persisted for more than an hour. Boston-based group Banditos Misteriosos planned the event, instructing participants via a post made to their website at 12 a.m. this morning to go to the park, which is near Harvard Square, at 3 p.m. Participants, some in costumes, waged war on each other with pillows of all shapes and sizes. Some police gathered at the scene, but there did not appear to be any major disturbances. Event organizers said they hoped to have help from participants in cleaning up the Cambridge park, a portion of which was littered with down and other pillow debris."

On the West Coast -- The Los Angeles Times reports: "Hundreds of people packing pillows descended on Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles -- where fights with soft bedding were expected to break out ..."

Below is a video from the Associated Press that captures the spirit of the events. Two events are shown, pillow fights in  Paris and  Brussels.

News Source: Boston Globe, LA Times