Farrah's Legacy, Her Fabulous Flip

Farrah's Legacy, Her Fabulous Flip

Michael Jackson is maybe getting a big, huge tribute to his life? But what about poor Farrah? Is she now forgotten, her death eclipsed by someone so strange and so apparently god-like that Farrah herself has been forgotten just a few short days after her death?

Like Michael Jackson, I choose to remember Farrah as she was, and not at the end of her life (like when she had that weird interview on the David Letterman show) and I have decided that to best honor her memory, I will have to somehow, in some way get her hairstyle.

I have done extensive research on this, have uploaded my picture to the not-so-official" Farrah Fawcett hair-styler page, and I must say that I, of course, would look absolutely stunning with her hairstyle on my head. I mean, come on, if that old hag Julia Roberts can pull it off, so can I.......right?

If Michael Jackson, was the King of Pop as they say, was not Farrah Fawcett the queen of hairstyles? Can we not give her some love and attention for her fabulous Farrah flip? Does she not get any credit or remembrance at all for "inspiring" the minds and bodies of teenaged boys throughout the 70's?  I think she deserves a song, "She's got Farrah-Fawcett" hair....If whoever wrote the original of "Betty Davis" eyes made a re-make of that song, she could make an absolute killing.


As a tribute to the woman she was, I will endeavor to have my hair like her. As for the sex symbol status she attained, I will leave that to the legions of young women who already aspire for nothing more. We love you, Farrah. Rest in Peace.