Greedy Mrs. Piggy

Greedy Mrs. Piggy

A bit of royal entertainment this weekend, Brit-Chicago style. A royal scandal and a duchess who is a bag lady, a shake down artist, a dupe, a buffoon -- tricked like an overreaching Chicago ward heeler, by a hidden camera and by a reporter posing as a business man! LOL duchess!

Well, some people don't recognize the value of a good thing when they have it. And don't recognize their own value when they've lost it. Britain's Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson was caught on tape soliciting and accepting a bribe. Worse, if you believe her, she was promising to sell something that she couldn't deliver -- her ex-husband, (divorced in 1996),  the Duke of York,  Prince Andrew, a special trade envoy for his country. Of course she said that she was only peddling access to him. Any businessman only had to pay  500,000 British pounds, ($718,500) ! See the sting video of her bartering, then accepting a $40,000 down payment in cash. 

Since being exposed to the whole wide world, as a little crook, she has apologized for her so-called lapse of judgment. A "lapse?" That's cute. If she had a "lapse," that would mean, she only temporarily lost her head and did something stupid.  Her excuse for this "lapse," though she pretended not to be making excuses, was that her financial situation is "under stress."

Well, she has wasted / spent millions on high living, jet setting. Lucky for her and for the public's better amusement, the Tower of London is now, and has long been, just a museum, and not that prison were foolish aristocrats really lost their heads.