Helen Thomas In Hot Water

Helen Thomas In Hot Water

Helen Thomas at age 89 is a good, decent, honest reporter who should have expressed herself much better in response to a reporter's question. See the video.

I am sure that she knows enough history to know that there have been Jewish people in Palestine for some time. She was asked for her opinion of Israel. The interview is dated May 27 before the Israeli security forces unwise and stupid attack on a peace convoy in international waters, an attack that killed twenty peace activists. But the question came after many other heavy handed and over the top actions by Israeli forces in the Middle East, including Israel's destruction of Lebanon in 2006. Ms. Thomas is of Lebanese descent. I watched the video that is being circulated on the Internet by a right-wing group, and is being promoted by the right-wing media and others whom are screaming that she hate Jews and should lose her job!

Ms Thomas wrote on her website, "I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians.They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

Ms Thomas is the one White House reporter who has asked presidents of the United States tough questions about America's unconditional tolerance of Israeli security forces heavy handed treatment of Palestinians, and have asked presidents to comment on Israeli nuclear programs, which presidents have refused to do.

So silence her voice? That would be a loss for American journalism.