The Hockey Crowd and the Little Girl

The Hockey Crowd and the Little Girl

There is a video on the net of this hockey crowd that helps a young girl with the National Anthem, after her microphone turns off in the middle of her performance.

The little girl, eight year old Elizabeth Hughes, was singing the anthem beautifully, until the problem with the microphone. The crowd reacted beautifully, giving her an assist. See the video.

My take on this? A hockey crowd? America, this shows maybe three important things about hockey fans.

Number One: All hockey fans aren't like that crowd in the days of ancient Rome, who went to the games in the Coliseum to see fights, blood and mayhem, and didn't care about anything but seeing fights, blood and mayhem.

Number Two: If a time machine was possible and if a fight could be arranged between Attila the Hun and Saint Francis of Assisi, not all hockey fan could be counted on to root for Attila the Hun.

Number Three: Hockey fans may have little girls in their families too.