Jesus Sighting on a Marmite Lid

Jesus Sighting on a Marmite Lid

God is everywhere the eye can see and many places the eye cannot, or at least for many Christians and those of other faiths.

But did you know that the face of Jesus is on the underside of a lid of a bottle of Marmite? Marmite, for those of you who are uneducated in the way of spreads, is a spread “suitable for vegans” that closely resembles Vegemite and is now apparently, the preferred choice of Jesus Christ himself.

A British family discovered the face in South Wales and the mother told the South Wales Echo, “People might think I’m nuts, but I like to think it is Jesus looking out for us.”

Every person of the four member family agreed that it was indeed the face of Jesus with the mother being the first to notice. The family has not stopped eating the Marmite from the jar of Jesus, but has saved the lid, which is probably what Jesus would prefer anyway.

The Marmite jar is just one of many odd Jesus sightings; others include “Jesus on a Cheeto” (aka ‘Cheesus’), the frying pan Jesus, and the lava lamp Jesus.