Lars Vilks: A University Pulls The Welcome Mat

Lars Vilks: A University Pulls The Welcome Mat

The Uppsala University, in Uppsala, Sweden, says Lars Vilks, the Swedish cartoon artist will be no longer be  invited to speak at the University, --  and the knee jerk response of Western media is: Oh, the University is kowtowing after Muslim students physically attack him! -- And media light is asking the question,  "Are radical Muslims succeeding in muzzling free speech?"  Mr. Vilks was invited to the University to lecture about the limits of artistic freedom, and maybe to explain why he drew a cartoon of Mohammed with the head of a dog, and what does he do? He shows a film of Mohammed in a gay bar.  An University spokesperson said the movie was provocative," with sexual content." Judging from a video of the incident, there was at least one child present in the audience.

Mr. Vilks told the Associated Press that he has booby-trapped his own house and that he sleeps with an ax beside his bed, that he has to do these things to defend his right to "unfettered speech" -– regardless of whether it offends Muslims -– he does what he does as a point of principle. "This must be carried through. You cannot allow it to be stopped,"  he said, and he said that he wouldn't hesitate to give repeat performance.

He must think that in giving that lecture at Uppsala University, the way he did, was being clever. That was not being clever. That was being an ass. Maybe next time he will pull his pants down and show his willie, and proclaim his freedom.

Of course, I don't condone death threats or violence, but I fully understand the University's position.