Mark Zuckerberg is a Cocky Mo-Fo With Little Respect for His Facebook Users

Mark Zuckerberg is a Cocky Mo-Fo With Little Respect for His Facebook Users

Can you say cocky? Can you repeat it over and over and think about it every single time you use Facebook? That’s what you and every person (whether they be man, woman, child, or other) on the planet should be using as a mantra whenever logging onto Facebook because Mark Zuckerberg, the president and founding CEO of Facebook, thinks that you are a Dumb Fuck- to be fair to Mr. Zuckerberg, the capitals are mine, not his.

In a recent interview, Zuckerberg said that his millions of users (who transformed him from a measly pip-squeak Harvard undergrad into “Young Geek of the Century” and one of the richest dudes in the United States) were Dumb Fucks for trusting him with their personal information.

That may be true, but who is he to say it?  Even the Google guys (who also recently had some privacy issues of their own) are smart enough not to tell their users what they actually think of them.  Should all of the Facebook users start attending “Dumb Fucks, Anonymous” groups to commiserate and compare their feelings of betrayal and discuss their Facebook privacy concerns together? That probably won’t happen- if the past is any indication, they’ll more than likely just start a Facebook group to complain about it, which perpetuates the problem.

Granted, the privacy concerns of Facebook are serious and should be addressed, but that doesn’t mean every user is a Dumb Fuck.  Couldn’t any financial institution say the same thing?

Or is Zuckerberg warning his users in advance that we should all run for cover because he is going to sell our stupid Facebook statuses to the highest bidder? Is he going to use our pictures for a collage? Or is he really finally stating that every friendship that we have will be recorded and spread and used for advertising purposes (which it already is anyway?) What is he planning on doing with the information? Is this a warning that Beacon- the service that recorded our each and every purchase- is making a come-back despite protest from users? Is Zuckerberg not rich enough already?

What do you think about Zuckerberg? Does he have the right to call his users Dumb Fucks? What do you think? Let’s talk about it here- in a non-Facebook forum for a change. Oh, and if you like this article, please click the Facebook “Like” button.