Mel Gibson rant frenzy

Mel Gibson rant frenzy

In this mornings news, William Morris, the talent agency, drops Mel Gibson. In the morning speculation: Is this the end of Mel Gibson's career?

There are charges and counter charges. "Domestic violence! "-- scream the headlines and his ex-girlfriend. "EXTORTION," counter screams Mr. Gibson's lawyers. And to show the world just what kind of man Mel Gibson's ex-girlfriend thinks he is -- on the Internet, she or her side posted the infamous phone message he had with her, during which he calls his baby's mother a few unflattering things and uses the dreaded "n" word. Mel -- Oh, bad boy, Mel.

Here is a link to the audio tape on Mel Gibson's knows how to dis an ex-girlfriend, and she says a few profane words too, though she knows she is recording this, and is low-keyed during most of the recording, better to be the long suffering one, enduring the ranting rage of the big-time movie actor, so to be able to use the recording, to show to the whole wide world the sort of individual Mel Gibson is in private, when he is having a heated conversation with someone whom is the mother of one of his children.

I listened to the tape. Do I think Mel Gibson is a hateful, profaned, racist, SOB? No. I do think he is an angry man who said things he shouldn't have said, who said a lot of things that people say when angry. Who shows their best side all the time? Nobody? Especially when they don't think they are being recorded.

Mel Gibson should be criticized for using the "N' word in private.

In his public life, during his long career, has he done anything that one could point to and say there goes a racist individual? Has he made racist movies? How has he related to people of color during his professional career? Does he write racists articles? Make racist public speeches?

It is the public behavior of public people and officials that concerns me. What they do in private, for the most part is their own business. They can walk around in private butt naked and break wind -- that's their business, if they keep it private and it doesn't affect their public lives. Well, regarding Mel Gibson, if everybody's career tanked for saying something stupid, nobody would be working.

I understand that. Mel Gibson should be criticized for using racist, profaned and stupid language. He is a public figure and much of what he does in private becomes public. He has a duty to understand this and to conduct himself accordingly. But will I stop watching his movies? No.