Michael Jackson The King of Pope

Michael Jackson The King of Pope

Why is everybody and their dog (and perhaps their cats) acting like the world is a worse place without Michael Jackson? Why are we pretending that he wasn't a huge weirdo and that he wasn't more than likely a child molester? Seriously, I will miss Michael, but it has nothing to do with the fact that I felt like he was misunderstood, or a great musician, or a great guy that I would have liked to have a beer with. No, I will miss Michael Jackson in exactly the same way I miss the circus Freaks at the Carnival- because he is the weirdest person on the planet.

My personal favorite comment on Michael Jacksonwas a typo referring to him as the "king of pope"....speaking of which, I wonder if the Pope has weighed in on the subject. Not, mind you, that I have any more respect for the Pope than I do for Michael Jackson, but it would be interesting to hear his views on the subject.

Comments from Bloggers quite literally blow my mind: "I had a greatest Respect for you and will have forever! We will miss you!!"

I would like to know what exactly, Shrawan, the mystery commenter who seems to represent so many views from the US, actually thinks "Respect" means? How can you possibly respect someone you would never leave alone with your children? How can you "miss" someone that you never even knew, and who more than likely be incapable of actual speech if your paths ever crossed? What is going on?

Even my mom, who is usually a pop-ignaramus, had some words on the subject: I'm just worried about his kids now. Great, mom, glad you're worried now......didn't you have some concern at all when he was dangling one of his children out of the fricking window?

Other commenters on random sites really crack me up. "Micheal was on of the most Talented people to ever walk on this planet." Wow-ever to walk on the planet. I knew he had some good songs and I really liked the Thriller video, but was he really one of the most talented people on the planet?  Of six billion people now, and all who walked the earth before him.....I guess some people's fields of vision don't extend far past their flat-screen TVs.......

Basically, I just don't get it. Most of the people I knew were making fun of him, and now he is being regarded as a Legend for all of Time.