More UFO Files Released

More UFO Files Released

The Problem With UFOs: No One Wants To Believe?

And so the British government has released more UFO files? So the UK, New Zealand, The U.S? Who else? Who hasn't released UFO files?

I think that there is something to UFOs. I would like to believe that all UFOs are fake, or are explainable, and every UFO can become an identified flying object, perhaps a secret American air craft or a child's wayward balloon, but definitely not anything extra-terrestrial. But I suspect that all UFOs can't be easily explained away, as something from this planet or from people's imaginations..

Among the UFO files that have been released, so far, are many reports of sightings that lend themselves to no explanation, other than that maybe, those UFOs are the products of something from beyond this planet. This new batch of files? More of the same.

But does that which is released tell all that there is to tell? The governments which have released UFO files, have released files which provide no clear answers. Some of the files continue to raise the questions that have already been raised. First among the questions are: Could the release of UFO files be a clever ploy?

;For years governments dismissed all talk of UFOs as rubbish and portrayed people who confessed to being eye-witnesses to UFO encounters as candidates for the loony bin. These acts of total suppression of facts and these denials only increased the ranks of the conspiracy theorists. Maybe the release of files that have a dab here and a dribble there of the true facts is a way of intentionally keeping the truth hidden. To hint that there might be something, while saying there probably isn't, is to address the issue raised for years by people whom have sighted something. This could be good public relations scheme to get away with releasing nothing. These releases of files, could be a clever way to keep a very big secret. behind a steel curtain . And so the governments of the world release thousands and thousands more of UFO files, which tell us nothing?

By releasing UFO files, governments seem so honest and open, and people have something to talk about other than wars and the world's bad economy

Item from ITN News -- "The (British) National Archives release thousands of (Britain's Ministry of Defense ) files documenting UFO sightings. Former MoD investigator, Nick Pope gives his thoughts." See the video. .